1)Who is behind New World Order?
2)Why Our government unite to make one world government?
Phil Schneider, USA Government geologist and Engineer explained everything decades ago what is coming and how world is shaping and who is behind it.
Deep beneath the Denver Airport, conspiracy theorists say a revolutionary group that calls itself the New World Order is operating a secret base from which they'll obliterate our central government, in Season 2, Episode 2, "The New World Order." #AmericaUnearthed
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In "America Unearthed," host Scott Wolter uses hard science and intuitive theories to explain the most mysterious artifacts and sites in America.
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Phil Schneider died in 1996. Previous to his death he had been on tour across the United States speaking out about various subjects including his involvement with building a secret underground base in Dulce, New Mexico for the military. During this time, he said to have had an encounter with a violent E.T race in the late 1970′s which would change his whole world reality immediately after.
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CONSPIRACYCONFERENCES.COMMustaine talks about death metal music, casting hexes and blood pacts. Watch the full episode here: http://bit.ly/qxQpbQAn overview of Satanism, Dark Doctrine and Left Hand Path.
Church of Satan:
Dark Doctrine:
Left Hand Path and Right Hand Path:
Some quotes in the closing statements are taken from "Satanism: The Feared Religion" by Peter H. Gilmore: http://www.churchofsatan.com/Pages/Fe... VIEWS!!! thanks for watching bitches hahaha j k
*Comments From Idiots Will Be Deleted*
Anton LaVey, founder of LaVeyan Satanism speaks on his religion, Why it began, why people join, and more.
Anton LaVey founded his religion, and the first legitimate Church Of Satan in 1966. After LaVey, the church has had many leaders and has gone under just as many changes. Since the 90's to the present The Church Of Satan has been expanding worldwide by the internet. Here is the website link:
"Lies Are The Easiest Of Words To Believe"
- Confucius.
The bible is just a big book of lies and stories to get people on the side of "good" and "righteousness" Yet the Christian Church has caused more death than all the modern wars put together....that includes Hitlers Holocaust.
In the past the Christian Church has killed people for simply questioning the Church, they labeled people as heretics or blasphemers and that was it, they were put to death.
I don't believe anything the Christian religion says, maybe you Christians should look into your own religions history. You don't see that hypocrisy and corruption that I do...You also should look up Evolution. hahaha
If your tired of the christian church telling you whats wrong and whats right, or all the other bullshit the Christian church is telling you, or your just fed up with saying one thing and practicing another. Look into LaVeyanism.
The C.O.S. teachings have laid claim to philosophical ideas such as individualism, self-indulgence, and an "Eye for an Eye" morality.This is a collection of quotes from Aleister Crowley showing the importance that "The Devil," "Satan," or "Lucifer" did indeed have in his religious system of Thelema. Although Crowley did not use the term "Satanism" when describing his religion, it is obvious from his writings that he did in fact consider Aiwaz, the spirit who dictated The Book of the Law to him in 1904, to be one and the same as Satan, the Devil of Christendom, albeit obviously not in the same theological sense of Him being the source of "Evil" or a rebel Angel against "God." Instead, to Crowley, it almost seems that Satan is "God."
This is not an attempt at saying Aleister Crowley was any sort of murderer or criminal, and is not an attack on Crowley nor on Satanism. On the contrary, this list of quotes is simply here to affirm that Crowley was much more of a "Satanist" than many occultists would care to admit. As Hymanaeus Beta, Frater Superior of the O.T.O. rightly pointed out: "If he was a 'Satanist,' which most of his students would dispute, it was on his own terms."
To read the .PDF version: http://www.scribd.com/doc/204912075/A... you are a satanist, wiccan, levayen satanist, or you just REALLY like incense, swords, chalices, herbs, and candles, then THIS is the place for you.
This store is called sphinx, it is located in Wisconsin.
if you are not familiar with Satanism here is a link for your fancy: http://joyofsatan.com/
NOTE: I am not pressuring my religion on anyone, it is only if you are curious.
Also, this satanism NEVER DOES stereotypical things like:
*Eat babies
*commit blood sacrifices
*make people eat sperm
*Force evil beings inside of people etc.
all that gross nonsense is not in our religion at all. So feel free to keep an open mind :)The Gauteng Department of Education has declared war on Sata
New upload 2017. Could CERNS Large Hadron Collider (LHC) be the Key to the seventh seal? With many concerned about the possibilities of a Planet X, . New upload 2017. Could CERNS Large.
New upload 2017. Could CERNS Large Hadron Collider (LHC) be the Key to the seventh seal? With many concerned about the possibilities of a Planet X, . CERN OPENING THE GATES OF HELL! ~.
Could CERNS Large Hadron Collider (LHC) be the Key to the seventh seal? With many concerned about the possibilities of a Planet X, Nibiru, Nemesis or . Could CERNS Large Hadron Collider.
Geordie Rose, Founder of D-Wave (recent clients are Google and NASA) believes that the power of quantum computing is that we can `exploit parallel universes’ to solve problems that we have no other means of confirming. Simply put, quantum computers can think exponentially faster and simultaneously such that as they mature they will out pace us. Listen to his talk now!
The ancient ruins of Puma Punku have mystified archaeologists ever since their discovery. The massive stones are carved into blocks that are unlike anything found anywhere else, in Season 1, Episode 4, The Mystery of the Puma Punku."
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Question Everything! https://speedtheshift.org/
What is so important about Antarctica? Why are the powers that be so afraid to let independent researchers freely explore this forbidden continent? Greg Reese takes a closer look.
We are told the Heliocentric model is scientifically superior to the Geocentric model but when we apply scientific reasoning, this is not true! If the Heliocentric model is so superior, why can't we find the curvature of the earth after hundreds of years of various experiments?
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At Vision Launch Media, we do not claim to know the “truth” or have all the answers. We simply make suppressed information more readily available so people can do their own research on the entire body of evidence and come to their own conclusions.
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Owen goes into another beautiful rant about the important of truth, and why it matters. Along with talking about the Eric Dubay debate, Owen covers important topics like F.E, the Moon Landings lie, NASA, Space X, Elon Musk and Hilary Clinton and much more.
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We catch up yet again with the very latest from Owen Benjamin's F... and motionless E.... awakening. Here Owen discusses the that all the ancient civilizations knew or held the belief of a celestial canopy above our heads, which is crudely described in modern times as a dome. Owen mentions fake space and names the people who are behind this most hideous and monstrous lie.
Please beware that it's your own responsibility to always be vigilant and use discernment when listening to Owen Benjamin. And I, John Thor the creator of this video may not agree with the views expressed by Owen in the video.
Hans Zimmer now we are free magdelayna remake
A Life of Illusion - Joe Walsh
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We catch up with the very latest bombshells Owen drops on his bears. We focus on the Stephen Hawking hoax in this super-cut of Dante's Sustainable Inferno and it's Devine Comedy.
Please beware that it's your own responsibility to always be vigilant and use discernment when listening to Owen Benjamin. And I, John Thor the creator of this video may not agree with the views expressed by Owen in the video.
Music: Crazy (Gnarls Barkley Cover) - Ray Lamontagne
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Most comprehensive, one stop shop video using facts and data destroying ALL main leftist/alarmist talking points on climate change. Ask anyone to refute his claims..... they can't. They just get mad and call you a denier. That's all they can do. Don't let them destroy our country and currency doing pointless programs. Should we conserve, use less oil as it is non-renewable. Yes. Should we use cleaner energy where we can, definitely. But should we scare our children that the world is ending? Hell NO!
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