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Recently making the headlines after a combative interview about the gender pay gap with Channel 4’s Cathy Newman, my guest today is Jordan Peterson, who discusses with me some of his 12 Rules for Life.
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Episode # 1.0 – Airplanes Flying over a Spinning-Ball
Episode # 1.1 – A Spinning Atmosphere at 28:19
Episode # 1.2 – Flying Over the North Pole at 41:53
I have decided to put together episodes 1.0, 1.1 & 1.2 of "Ball's Out Physics" by Brian Mullin as part of an upcoming video I'm preparing named "Airplanes Flying Over a Spinning-Globe" which is in the making. It would be good for the viewers to watch this video, especially episode 1.2.
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In the dusts of Iraq, the ruins of the world's first civilization lie buried.
This episode, we travel into the extremely distant past to look at the Sumerians. These ancient people invented writing and mathematics, and built some of the largest cities that the world had ever seen. Find out about the mystery of their origins, and learn how they rose from humble beginnings to form the foundation of all our modern societies. With myths, proverbs and even some recreated Sumerian music, travel back to where it all began, and find out how humanity's first civilization fell.
Sound engineering by Thomas Ntinas
Voice Actors:
Jake Barrett-Mills
Rhy Brignell
Shem Jacobs
Nick Bradley
Emily Johnson
Photography of Sumerian artefacts by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin FRCP(Glasg), CC-BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons.
Music by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist:
Title theme: Home At Last by John Bartmann.
Might the stories of the Bible have their basis in ancient scientific fact? How big was the giant Goliath, and what was the tech of the sling that brought him down? Find out in Season 5, Episode 7, "Lost Science of the Bible."
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Phil Schneider, a former US Government Geologist and Engineer, who was involved in producing the underground explosions which were required to facilitate the underground gov. buildings speaks on his experiences during his service.
1)Who is behind New World Order?
2)Why Our government unite to make one world government?
Phil Schneider, USA Government geologist and Engineer explained everything decades ago what is coming and how world is shaping and who is behind it.
First published: June 2020
🇺🇸 Did Biden bomb the Nord Stream?!
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Professor Dolores Cahill received her Honours degree in Molecular Genetics from Trinity College Dublin (1989) and her PhD in Immunology & Biotechnology from Dublin City University (1994). She was awarded an EU ‘Human Capital and Mobility’ Post-doctoral Fellow, Technical University, Munich, Germany (1994-1995).
Since 2005 – present, she is Professor of Translational Science at UCD School of Medicine. Prof. Cahill is internationally recognised for her biomedical research, publications and patent record is in life sciences, biotechnology and in personalised healthcare and biomarkers (PHB), proteomics, biotechnology, high content protein and antibody arrays, and their biomedical, diagnostic and clinical applications.
Prof. Cahill has been involved in Scientific and Research Strategy and Policy Development and Evaluation for over 10 years. She is a member of the EU Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) Science Committee (2017-2019). In 2018, she was elected by the IMI SC to be Vice Chair of the IMI Scientific Committee (2019-2020).
In the Strategy, Policy and Global engagement area, from October 2013 to end September 2014, Prof. Cahill was seconded as National Expert in Policy to the European Commission Research and Innovation (HORIZON2020) (DG RTD) Directorate, with special emphasis on International Cooperation for Strategy and Policy coordination, with Asia and European Free Trade Area and enlargement countries, Russia & the Pacific.
This secondment was supported by UCD, the School of Medicine and Medical Sciences and the Irish government. This role involved international policy coordination and development in Research and Innovation, including with respect to Horizon2020. She was responsible for international cooperation aspects with South Korea and she was a backup for ASEAN and China. She was the Thematic Correspondent for Health and involved in Strategy Development within the unit.
She worked on Framework Conditions and Commercialisation aspects, for example on the International Cooperation Dialogue, within this region.
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John Levi, J. Skaar, and other researchers like myself have caught the attention of the mainstream in this Bloomberg article.
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Originally this channel was just to chronicle and/or debunk Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UFOs/UAPs) as well as other "conspiracy theories"... LOL, after delightfully failing to do that I became known as "UAP" as I began talking in my vids without revealing even my first name. I focused on my skill set as an aptly disillusioned former Physics Major, making sense of the senselessness that caused me to depart from the Acedemic track to intellectual Nirvanic Sainthood in the mainstream Utopian construct almost indelibly (but, haha, not completely) programmed. Underrated Actual Physicist - Here in part to debunk myths... but to find Truth, which usually validates the the Good News of Faith of the wise. I seek to re-discover uncommon knowledge of the Ancients by this method;
when the CUI BONO is "the greater good"
-and yes, that's revolutionary.
About WHAT?
Any subject that is fascinating, extraordinary, uncommonly known but very useful, and true, I demand answers about official stuff I don’t want misrepresented by popular science, first by researching it myself, then by spewing forth my own wild conjecture, and finally seeing how myends up being correct more often than I expect.
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👽🛸 "witness testimony - philip schneider, E.T's . UFO's . and new world technology: an overview 1940's the present" philip schneider's workshop, denver, colorado, USA, 14th august, 14-08-1995. [remastered] claimed to be a former US government geologist and engineer, who was involved in producing the underground explosions which were required to facilitate the building of various deep underground military bases, (DUMB) as well as submarine bases for the united states government. he claimed to be one of only three people who survived the infamous alien/human war at dulce, and los alamos, where 66 government agents and workers supposedly lost their lives in august of 1979. for the last two years of his life he gave lectures about supposed classified information, including UFO's to the media and general public. philip schneider, was found dead in his apartment on january, 17th 1996. some people claim that he was murdered. the late phil schneider, a retired US government geologist, who talks about his days building deep underground military bases, the involvement of alien technology and different elements that are used in current advanced weaponry. let's ensure that phil’s message is spread throughout the world. 🌍
"if i ever 'commit suicide' schneider, told a close friend, "i'll have been murdered." - phil schneider,
deep underground bases, UFO's and aliens: the late phil schneider, a retired US government geologist, talks about his days building deep underground bases for the government - over 131 in the USA, one mile or more down, the involvement with alien technology, samples of elements up to atomic #140 are shown. the advanced stealth technology involves the use of alien metals. he talks about his days building underground bases for the US government and grey aliens. phil schneider, is one of the many UFO researchers that have died over the last few years under mysterious circumstances. phil died on january, 17th 1996, reportedly strangled by a catheter found wrapped around his neck, his death being dismissed by the authorities as suicide. schneider, maintained that numerous previous attempts had been made on his life. he had stated publicly he was a marked man and did not expect to live long. phil schneider, one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight between the large greys , US intelligence and military at the 'dulce', new mexico underground base was found dead in january, 1996, due to what appears to be an execution style murder. he was found dead in his apartment with his own catheter wrapped several times around his neck. according to sources, it appeared that he repeatedly suffered torture before he was finally killed. seven months prior to his death , schneider, did a lecture on a incredible incident he was involved in. this brave man's final acts should not go unnoticed...
phil schneider, was a geologist and underground construction expert. he was also a man who spent seventeen years working on government black projects. with a level 1 security clearance (rhyolite 38), phil worked at area 51, + S-4, and los alamos. he is one of only three survivors from the infamous alien/human war at dulce, new mexico and the los alamos underground areas in august, of 1979. over sixty government workers and agents were killed during those confrontations. after thirteen attempts on his life, phil schneider, was found dead in his wilsonville, oregon apartment on january, 17th 1996. he had apparently been dead for several days and reportedly had a rubber hose wrapped three times around his neck. officially, suicide? is now stated as the cause of death. the medical examiner took blood and urine samples at the autopsy but refused to analyze them, saying that the clackamas county coroner's office would not "waste their money on a suicide". samples were kept for twelve months. when interested parties asked for these samples to be sent to an independent lab eleven months later, they were "missing" and presumed "destroyed". schneider, had missing fingers on his left hand, and limited motion in his shoulders. it was physically impossible for him to have held the rubber hose in his left hand with missing fingers and then wrap the hose three times around his own neck with shoulders that had limited motion. in order to end up where his body was, he would have to sit on the edge of his bed, wrap the hose around his neck, slowly and painfully strangle himself to death and fall head first into a wheel chair. philip was an expert in chemicals and his own medical needs. he had multiple pills at hand that could have ended his life quickly and painlessly. he also had a 9 mm gun that he had borrowed to protect himself and could have ended his life with one shot. phil's shocking revelations about the US government and aliens was the most likely cause of his death. when you hear what he has to say, you'll see why we believe this.
President Ensenhower wanted to storm Area 51 if he didn't find out what was going on there. So he send a CIA agent there to learn the
truth and Bob Lazar seems to be telling the truth about alien craft.
From the Aspen Ideas Festival, recorded Tuesday, June 26, 2018. Jordan Peterson, author of the best-selling 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, may be one of the most famous intellectuals in North America today. He also may be among the most misunderstood. His fans say that he’s saved their lives, and detractors say that he’s the gateway drug to the alt-right. Who is this psychologist-philosopher whom so many of us had never heard of two years ago, and what does he really believe?
Featuring Jordan Peterson in conversation with Bari Weiss. Hosted in the St. Regis Hotel Ballroom, Aspen, Colorado.
The History of America is not what is taught in schools.
What role did secret societies and occult orders play in our nation's founding? Why are there strange symbols embedded in the layout of Washington DC? Why is an secret owl hidden on the 1 dollar Bill and what does it represent? All this and more as we explore America's Secret Destiny: the history you weren't taught in schools!
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RussiaGate is nearing the two-year mark. Here is an honest summary.
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#TheJimmyDoreShow is a hilarious and irreverent take on news, politics and culture featuring Jimmy Dore, a professional stand up comedian, author and podcaster. With over 5 million downloads on iTunes, the show is also broadcast on KPFK stations throughout the country. It is part of the Young Turks Network-- the largest online news show in the world.
Bob Lazar. UFO drawings. Боб Лазар. Рисунки НЛО. (Рисунки Антона Анфалова из архива - Николая Субботина).
RUFORS - Russian UFO Research Station
Боб Лазар утверждал что лично посетил несколько аппаратов НЛО. Он заявлял о присутствии одной группы пришельцев с Сириуса А на секретной базе США.
. Данные Рисунки поражают насколько пришельцы ушли в перёд в технологическом плане, Реакторы на Античастицах, использование 115-ого элемента как топливо. Обо всём этом вы можете прочитать (на русском языке, перевод с английского)
more infor here - on English
on russian (на русском)
I read about the presence on the earth of so-called race Imdugut (White tall) If the check word Imdugut - it is Anzu (Imdugud), talking about fallen Kumarbi, Zu, Al-Al-Gar. Who Rebelled against Anu. They fallen separatists. Я читал о присутствии на земле так называемой расы Имдугут (Высокие белые). Если проверить слово Имдугут - это Анзу (Имдугуд) , речь о падшем Кумарби, Зу, Ал-Ал-Гар. Восставшем против Ана.
according to legend, the An-zu (Zu, Kumarbi) was defeated by Ninurta, Bas-relief in the temple of Ninurta at Nimrud (Kalhu, Iraq) по легенде Ан-зу (зу, Кумарби) был побеждён Нинуртой, Барельеф в храме Нинурты в Нимруде (Kalhu, Ирак)
"Area 51: The Alien Interview" reveals mysterious footage that has left people to debate whether the alien footage leaked from Area 51 is real or fake. The validity of this tape or the source is still unknown to this day.
July 26, 1996: Offices of Rocket Pictures receive a phone call from a man named "Victor", who claims to be in possession of a leaked tape of an alien creature being interviewed in a secret government installation.
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President Ensenhower wanted to storm Area 51 if he didn't find out what was going on there. So he send a CIA agent there to learn the
truth and Bob Lazar seems to be telling the truth about alien craft.
Bob Lazar is a physicist who worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, and also on reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology at a site called S-4 near the Area 51 Groom Lake operating location. Jeremy Corbell is a contemporary artist and documentary filmmaker. Watch the documentary "Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers" now streaming on Netflix.
George Knapp is an author, speaker, and the chief investigative reporter at KLAS TV in Las Vegas, NV. Jeremy Corbell is a contemporary artist and documentary filmmaker.
Please be warned that this video is an unscripted rant about why I have a personal interest in the exposure of Red Pill Black - Candace Owens. It is very important that my subscribers know the personal reasons why I will never stop exposing this sociopathic liar!
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Due to youtube's new terms of service I don't qualify for monetization. So my videos are ad-free minus the 3 videos which have copyright audio clips. Those ads are from that company not me.
The more time goes by the more Red Pill Black aka Candace Owens is revealing her true SJW Feminist nature.
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Due to youtube's new terms of service I don't qualify for monetization. So my videos are ad-free minus the 3 videos which have copyright audio clips. Those ads are from that company not me.