FULL TRANSCRIPT here, https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/diana-ritual-sacrifice-of-the-new-world-order/
Twenty-five years ago, Princess Diana’s car crashed inside the the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in Paris, France.
Her lover, Dodi Fayed died upon impact, along with the driver.
And even though Diana survived, it took about 40 minutes to get her from the car to the ambulance.
The official story is that they were trying to free her from the car but several witnesses say that Diana was conscious and unobstructed.
Photographs show that the backseat of the car was undamaged and witnesses were pleading with the police to open the door and help her.
Once in the ambulance, it took about 40 minutes for them to choose a hospital and when they finally set off, the ambulance drove at a snail’s pace and made several stops, taking about 40 minutes to drive less than 4 miles.
Doctors were turned away. Witnesses were strip-searched. Cameras were confiscated. No evidence was gathered. No blood samples were taken.
And by 3AM, the entire scene would be sprayed down with high-pressure water hoses.
Mercedes wanted to study the wreckage to see why it failed so badly but they were denied.
Diana’s body was taken by the Royal Family, who had her reproductive organs removed [under the watchful eye of Michael Burgess, the Deputy Coroner of the Queen’s Household] before burying her remains.
click link for full transcript
Dr. David Martin reveals shocking news everyone, especially Canadians, must demand authorities investigate - potentially treasonous acts and crimes against humanity.
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Butterfly of the Week Sources: https://www.activatehumanity.com/posts/butterfly-sources
Dr. David E. Martin: https://www.davidmartin.world/
The Fauci COVID-19 Dossier: https://www.davidmartin.world/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/The_Fauci_COVID-19_Dossier.pdf
Reiner Fuelmich interview:
Transcript of Interview: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19o1BeQa6z9XD58GkYE1e-qiiNbnr5wTz/view
Stew Peters interviews with Dr. David Martin:
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The UK Government downgraded the danger of Covid19 from a high consequence infectious disease on 19th March 2020 (1 week BEFORE the first lockdown) - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid
Global Covid Report - A Brilliant 73 page flip book style article - http://online.anyflip.com/inblw/ufbs/mobile/index.html?s=08
A 113 page pdf full of information from frontline workers & the VAERS - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YK0JR_lFy88Zu3rcC3L5NvL_Xr3ib6zY/view
18 Reasons I won't be getting a Covid19 'vaccine' - https://www.deconstructingconventional.com/post/18-reason-i-won-t-be-getting-a-covid-vaccine
Covid19 is a manufactured pandemic - https://www.globalresearch.ca/manufactured-pandemic-testing-people-any-strain-coronavirus-not-specifically-covid-19/5707781
Doctor demolishes Covid vaccine - https://davidicke.com/2021/01/12/doctor-demolishes-gates-covid-vaccine-in-devastating-analysis/
If there is no virus why are people dying (article) - https://davidicke.com/2021/01/31/covid-if-there-is-no-virus-why-are-people-dying/
5 Questions to ask people who plan on getting a Covid19 'vaccine' - https://off-guardian.org/2021/02/15/5-questions-to-ask-your-friends-who-plan-to-get-the-covid-vaccine/
Dr Andrew Kaufman - Sars Cov 2 has not been isolated. It doesn't exist (article) - https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/sovi/
A brilliant article explaining why the number of cycles (CT) of the PCR Test is pushing out false positives everywhere - https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/pcr-testing-incorrect-use/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=b2c12bbb-ac81-4cb4-9987-6f4bd15c26f0
MP's & SAGE are heavily invested in the vaccine industry - https://naturallyhealthynews.info/investigation-mps-and-sage-heavily-invested-in-vaccine-industry/?smclient=9e1e643a-d9ec-41cf-a803-a15f88e07abe&utm_source=salesmanago&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=default
Face masks are neither effective or safe (article) - https://www.technocracy.news/masks-are-neither-effective-nor-safe-a-summary-of-the-science/
Bill Gates: Vaccines are phenomenal profit makers - https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/gates-vaccines-phenomenal-profit-makers/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=a7546458-0f14-44d8-8e60-226218335bd8
Learn Common Law With Knowledge Is Power (Work your way through tabs at the top of page) - http://knowledgeispower-uk.weebly.com/
Meet Your Strawman (Article) - https://www.ruralmoney.com/meet-your-strawman/
Common Law In 10 Minutes (Video) - https://www.bitchute.com/video/AgZYTwDm1giy/
Strawman - The Best Common Law documentary you will find (video) - https://www.bitchute.com/video/GjfLdTpxMAlc/
Common Law Court - Register the living breathing you - https://www.commonlawcourt.com/
The Empire of the City - How 3 independent states controls the world together - https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_globalelite177.htm
The UNITED STATES isn't a country, it's a corporation - https://www.serendipity.li/jsmill/us_corporation.htm#definitions
There are 2 Constitutions in the United States - https://www.nationallibertyalliance.org/two-us-constitutions
The Rockefeller's own Western medicine - https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia2/ciencia_industrybigpharma219.htm
The City Of London (The Crown) owns the UNITED STATES - http://truedemocracy.net/hj31/20.html
EXPOSED: All the Queens agents that control the world - https://aim4truth.org/2018/04/17/exposed-all-the-queens-agents-and-corporations-that-control-the-world/
Who Are The Jesuits? - https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2019/06/the-jesuit-order-exposed/
The Crown Empire & The City of London - https://wakeup-world.com/2013/11/05/the-crown-empire-and-the-city-of-london-corporation/
3 Corporations rule the world - https://www.sinhalanet.net/three-corporations-run-the-world-city-of-london-washington-dc-and-vatican-city
The City of London Empire - https://humansarefree.com/2013/11/the-british-crown-empire-and-the-city-of-london-corporation.html
The Rothschilds, Vatican & City of London - https://humansarefree.com/2014/09/the-top-of-the-pyramid-the-rothschilds-the-vatican-and-the-british-crown-rule-world.html
The Council of 13 - http://www.seawapa.co/2013/11/nwo-crown-council-of-13-bloodlines.html
The Committee of 300 - https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_committee300_11.htm
Empire of the City - https://www.shiftfrequency.com/empire-of-the-city-states-the-crown-washington-dc-the-vatican/
The Real Controllers of Humanity: The Papal Bloodlines - https://www.dtss.us/blog/the-real-controllers-of-humanity-the-papal-bloodlines/
Fred Corbin, a nuclear biological engineer, addresses the Prime Minister at a Town Hall meeting and drops the leaked Pfizer vaccine documents.
Every single one of these vaccines contains 15 billion nanoparticles of graphene oxide.
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Roman Polanski releases a huge hit about a struggling actor who's first born is sacrificed to a satanic cult. One year later his 8 month pregnant wife is murdered in a scene described as a ritualistic killing. But the strange similarities and eerie coincidences don't end there! Join me as we explore all the strange coincidences, hidden messages and more behind the classic horror film Rosemary's Baby!
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Each year hundreds of thousands of children in the US go missing , many never heard from again. What is happening to these children? This documentary reveals some of the facts about missing children and reasons children are going missing.
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From the Aspen Ideas Festival, recorded Tuesday, June 26, 2018. Jordan Peterson, author of the best-selling 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, may be one of the most famous intellectuals in North America today. He also may be among the most misunderstood. His fans say that he’s saved their lives, and detractors say that he’s the gateway drug to the alt-right. Who is this psychologist-philosopher whom so many of us had never heard of two years ago, and what does he really believe?
Featuring Jordan Peterson in conversation with Bari Weiss. Hosted in the St. Regis Hotel Ballroom, Aspen, Colorado.
In this EPIC speech from 2018, Jordan Peterson discusses the difference between Capitalism, Marxism and Socialist / Radical Left Postmodern beliefs and how it relates to political correctness.
As the Heritage Foundation asks: has the radical left really made such a large impact on the world that we need to remind people about the dangers of totalitarians like Stalin or Hitler?
Jordan Peterson is a Canadian Psychology Professor and author of the best-selling book 12 Rules for Life - an Antidote to Chaos.
After the LIVE Jordan Peterson Slavoj Zizek debate, which was a difficult to watch debate between Jordan Peterson and Slavoj Zizek as they discussed Capitalism vs Marxism on the topic of: Happiness. Peterson zizek debate was all not very entertaining, as peterson stuck to the rules of the debate while Zizek didn't manage to stay on topic.
Please support Dr. Jordan B Peterson: Jordan Peterson is a Canadian Psychology Professor and author of the best-selling book 12 Rules for Life - an Antidote to Chaos.
This channel is about Jordan Peterson and involves clips from his various lectures. my favorite one is from his biblical series and describes Noah and how to build an arc, or merely survive the chaos of life.
beginning notes start with: When the lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth. Both man and beast and the creeping thing and the fouls of the air. For it repentith me that I have made them. Well, whats the idea? Well, the idea is that the cosmos that God created had become corrupt. And, you know, thats a funny thing because this is the other thing that hits me: its also true. I told you that the Mesopotamians believed that humans were made out of the blood of Kingu, who was the worse monster that the dragon of chaos could possibly imagine.
The early gods mada so much noise and were so careless, that Tymat decides to wipe it from the earth. Things can get so bad that it takes the imagination of a very bad person to conceptualize that. And when they get that bad, this is the only type of language that would describe them. Who woul've thought that as Jordan Peterson pulls Christianity out of Sam Harris, This made both Sam Harris and Slavoj Zizek grow to the point of agreement with Jordan b. Peterson. Almost every person whom dr. Peterson would debate with has gotten to the point of them agreeing with him. Especially when Sam Harris is talking about Christianity. What a debate for Slavoj and the Peterson vs Slavoj zizek debate!
That’s the story of pinnochio. You have to play the game. You have no choice!
You're in a game, and you will be held accountable, so you might want to pick a game by who’s rules you might want to be held accountable.
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This channel aims at extracting central points of presentations into short clips. The topics cover the problems fo leftist ideology and the consequences for society. The aim is to move free speech advocates forward and fight against the culture of SJWs.
Authentic Videos does not own the rights to these video clips. They have, in accordance with fair use, been repurposed with the intent of educating and inspiring others.
Jordan Peterson is one of the greatest thinkers of our time. He discusses postmodernism, alt right, the far left, the far right, and how all of that relates to living a responsible lifestyle. he uses archetypes from the Bible to help people understand what hes taking about because archetypes are simple.
One such archetype he uses is about pinnochio from disney. he discusses rescuing your father from the belly of the whale. a super intellectual and clinical psychologist, had Cathy Newman completely stumped when she asked the question, "why should your right to freedom of speech trump a transgenders right not to be offended?"
A rational sounding question from an extremtly skewed feminist viewpoint, which blame all of the problem in the world as being due to the "Tryannical Patriarchal systems that must crumble". Well guess what people, Freedom of speech is what gives you the ability to say the obnoxious things that you do. Do you really want to flip the board over and take those rights away from yourselves? I think not Bucko. Now go clean your room you vengeful, deceitful, arrogant, lazy, resentful person, and point your finger and whole is REALLY responsible for the tragedies in this world: people's individual decisions. Please support Jordan Peterson and buy his book 12 Rules for Life, an Antidote for Chaos. Otherwise, have fun living in a twisted warped world where you don;t know who you are. that's not a world, that's called hell. Not heaven.
Support Jordan Peterson on Patreon and be sure to read his book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote for Chaos.
A few weeks ago, Dr. Oren Amitay, who has been defending me in online discussions hosted by the Ontario Psychological Association, invited me to address his psychology class (to which other students were invited). We discussed freedom of speech, ideological possession, unconscious bias and the Implicit Association test, and other issues germane to psychology and the modern world.
Direct Support: https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/donate
Merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/jordanbpeterson
--- BOOKS ---
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: https://jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-for-life/
Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-meaning/
After researching all of the facts from this video it only made sense to vote for Donald Trump. Seriously put all petty issues aside. Put all the fake twisted “facts” you hear on social media and do the research yourself.
The two things that mean the most to me are the protection of our constitutional rights and equality for all.