Sounding off on Transformers, Jet rockets, earthquakes, latitudes of earth, launch air, and some bonus Space Shuttle fakery.
UAP (as conferred by my subs) stands for Underrated Actual Physicist. I’m Orthodox and technologically inclined, but my focus is rebellious in nature... it usually lines up with the orthodox knowledge of Church Fathers, and the Ancients by way of the scientific method-
-and yes, that may be revolutionary.
What does this UAP think he’s doing on YouTube?
I’m making videos at a rate of about one per day, to defend God’s Word, remediate botched news and science lessons, entertaining while enlightening, or just pushing the envelope by sharing my thoughts and time about any subject that is fascinating, extraordinary, uncommonly known but very useful, and true, I demand answers about stuff misrepresented by popular science by researching it and spewing forth wild conjecture that ends up being correct more often than I expect.
My analysis includes humor, but is serious about finding the observable+ repeatable+ reproducible data that IS fact, especially when the Bible has given us the right direction, inspiration, and corroborating testimonials.
Even more when these Orthodox ideas have been systematically contradicted and suppressed only by widespread belief in popularly conjectured hypotheses. These things are my targets of opportunity.
►Help translate! Your language ability can be a tremendous help!
►If you have videos you want me to see do send it to and I’ll post it!
Materials used are chosen sources for reporting the best in research from around the world as UAP deigns to question the narratives of science by consensus. When it comes to “the givens” of our increasingly misguided teachings of science, I reject the premise!
►Follow Us On Twitter: coming soon!
►The Truth About the Stars and Flat Earth
►Music: UAP’s select jams for the Flat Earth
Help me translate!
Titles used are either under licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (,
Music, revenue-shared, or copyrighted works included by fair use (including content used by licensed sharing agreements in accordance with YouTube policy), or used by permission can be found listed below,
Transformers G1
Published YT vid. Rockets exist
Space shuttle launch
Earthquake map
Love my videos?
Contact me at
Something else besides- check out my “B-sides” on my other channel and that is “UAP Channel” on Youtube
UAP Channel presents more divine knowledge in pursuit of whatever is true but uncommon, with a little humor and music, great science, good sense, and a little non-sense.
All video content uploaded here are under the express permission of the original owner, or are in public domain falling under Fair Use for commentary, research, news reporting purposes under current copyright rules.
Inappropriate content, foul language, hate speech, or flagged content will be automatically removed from comments by automated filtering or manual review by UAP or admin., some comments may be released in fairness and respecting freedom of speech. Free speech doesn’t include spam, threats, bots, etc.
Hope you like what I do. It’s a lot of work, and is a lot of fun. Sometimes a whole lot fun, but at the expense of other
►Support UAP:
If you want stuff after giving me your money
►Buy UAPs Artwork:
Who is UAP?
UAP (as conferred by my subs) stands for Underrated Actual Physicist. I’m Orthodox in faith and technologically inclined by profession, but my nature here is rebellious... it usually lines up with the traditional wisdom of Church Fathers, and knowledge of the Ancients by way of THE scientific method;
-and yes, that may be revolutionary.
What’s this UAP doing on YouTube?
I’m making videos at a rate of about one per day,
1. Defending God’s Word,
2. Remediating botched news
science lessons,
entertaining while enlightening,
or just pushing the envelope
Any subject that is fascinating, extraordinary, uncommonly known but very useful, and true, I demand answers about official stuff I don’t want misrepresented by popular science, first by researching it myself, then by spewing forth my own wild conjecture, and finally seeing how myends up being correct more often than I expect.
My analysis includes humor, but is serious about finding the observable+ repeatable+ reproducible data that IS fact, especially when the Bible has given us the right direction, inspiration, and corroborating testimonials.
Even more when these Orthodox ideas have been systematically contradicted and suppressed only by widespread belief in popularly conjectured hypotheses. These things are my targets of opportunity.
►Help translate! Your language ability can be a tremendous help!
►If you have videos you want me to see do send it to and I’ll post it!
Materials used are chosen sources for reporting the best in research from around the world as UAP deigns to question the narratives of science by consensus. When it comes to “the givens” of our increasingly misguided teachings of science, I reject the premise!
►Follow Us On Twitter: coming soon!
►The Truth About the Stars and Flat Earth
►Music: UAP’s select jams for the Flat Earth
Help me translate!
Titles used are either under licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (,
Music, revenue-shared, or copyrighted works included by fair use (including content used by licensed sharing agreements in accordance with YouTube policy), or used by permission can be found listed below,
Artist: http://
Love my videos?
Contact me at
Something else besides- check out my “B-sides” on my other channel and that is “UAP Channel” on Youtube
UAP Channel presents more divine knowledge in pursuit of whatever is true but uncommon, with a little humor and music, great science, good sense, and a little non-sense.
All video content uploaded here are under the express permission of the original owner, or are in public domain falling under Fair Use for commentary, research, news reporting purposes under current copyright rules.
Inappropriate content, foul language, hate speech, or flagged content will be automatically removed from comments by automated filtering or manual review by UAP or admin., some comments may be released in fairness and respecting freedom of speech. Free speech doesn’t include spam, threats, bots, etc.
The evidence of civilizations past is overwhelming.
Hope you like what I do. It’s a lot of work, and is a lot of fun. Sometimes a whole lot fun, but at the expense of other things that are more monetarily rewarding.
►Support UAP:
If you want stuff after giving me your money
►Buy UAPs Artwork:
Who is UAP?
UAP (as conferred by my subs) stands for Underrated Actual Physicist. I’m Orthodox in faith and technologically inclined by profession, but my nature here is rebellious... it usually lines up with the traditional wisdom of Church Fathers, and knowledge of the Ancients by way of THE scientific method;
-and yes, that may be revolutionary.
What’s this UAP doing on YouTube?
I’m making videos at a rate of about one per day,
1. Defending God’s Word,
2. Remediating botched news
science lessons,
entertaining while enlightening,
or just pushing the envelope
Any subject that is fascinating, extraordinary, uncommonly known but very useful, and true, I demand answers about official stuff I don’t want misrepresented by popular science, first by researching it myself, then by spewing forth my own wild conjecture, and finally seeing how myends up being correct more often than I expect.
My analysis includes humor, but is serious about finding the observable+ repeatable+ reproducible data that IS fact, especially when the Bible has given us the right direction, inspiration, and corroborating testimonials.
Even more when these Orthodox ideas have been systematically contradicted and suppressed only by widespread belief in popularly conjectured hypotheses. These things are my targets of opportunity.
►Help translate! Your language ability can be a tremendous help!
►If you have videos you want me to see do send it to and I’ll post it!
Materials used are chosen sources for reporting the best in research from around the world as UAP deigns to question the narratives of science by consensus. When it comes to “the givens” of our increasingly misguided teachings of science, I reject the premise!
►Follow Us On Twitter: coming soon!
►The Truth About the Stars and Flat Earth
►Music: UAP’s select jams for the Flat Earth
Help me translate!
Titles used are either under licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (,
Music, revenue-shared, or copyrighted works included by fair use (including content used by licensed sharing agreements in accordance with YouTube policy), or used by permission can be found listed below,
Artist: http://
Love my videos?
Contact me at
Something else besides- check out my “B-sides” on my other channel and that is “UAP Channel” on Youtube
UAP Channel presents more divine knowledge in pursuit of whatever is true but uncommon, with a little humor and music, great science, good sense, and a little non-sense.
All video content uploaded here are under the express permission of the original owner, or are in public domain falling under Fair Use for commentary, research, news reporting purposes under current copyright rules.
Inappropriate content, foul language, hate speech, or flagged content will be automatically removed from comments by automated filtering or manual review by UAP or admin., some comments may be released in fairness and respecting freedom of speech. Free speech doesn’t include spam, threats, bots, etc.
See what makes sense about the discovery of lands over time. It’s imperative you learn about the Land Shark.
►Support UAP:
► - download my music 🎶 and more!
►Buy UAPs Artwork:
If I’m doing something elsewhere on YouTube it will be at “UAP Channel” on
UAP (as conferred by my subs) stands for Underrated Actual Physicist. I’m Orthodox in faith and technologically inclined by profession, but my nature here is rebellious... it usually lines up with the traditional wisdom of Church Fathers, and knowledge of the Ancients by way of THE scientific method;
-and yes, that may be revolutionary.
What’s this UAP doing on YouTube?
I’m making videos at a rate of about one per day,
1. Defending God’s Word,
2. Remediating botched news
science lessons,
entertaining while enlightening,
or just pushing the envelope
Any subject that is fascinating, extraordinary, uncommonly known but very useful, and true, I demand answers about official stuff I don’t want misrepresented by popular science, first by researching it myself, then by spewing forth my own wild conjecture, and finally seeing how myends up being correct more often than I expect.
My analysis includes humor, but is serious about finding the observable+ repeatable+ reproducible data that IS fact, especially when the Bible has given us the right direction, inspiration, and corroborating testimonials.
Even more when these Orthodox ideas have been systematically contradicted and suppressed only by widespread belief in popularly conjectured hypotheses. These things are my targets of opportunity.
►Help translate! Your language ability can be a tremendous help!
►If you have videos you want me to see do send it to and I’ll post it!
Materials used are chosen sources for reporting the best in research from around the world as UAP deigns to question the narratives of science by consensus. When it comes to “the givens” of our increasingly misguided teachings of science, I reject the premise!
►Music: UAP’s select jams for the Flat Earth
Help me translate!
Titles used are either under licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (,
Music, revenue-shared, or copyrighted works included by fair use (including content used by licensed sharing agreements in accordance with YouTube policy), or used by permission can be found listed below,
Artist: http://
Love my videos?
Contact me at
Something else besides- check out my “B-sides” on my other channel and that is “UAP Channel” on Youtube
UAP Channel presents more divine knowledge in pursuit of whatever is true but uncommon, with a little humor and music, great science, good sense, and a little non-sense.
All video content uploaded here are under the express permission of the original owner, or are in public domain falling under Fair Use for commentary, research, news reporting purposes under current copyright rules.
Inappropriate content, foul language, hate speech, or flagged content will be automatically removed from comments by automated filtering or manual review by UAP or admin., some comments may be released in fairness and respecting freedom of speech. Free speech doesn’t include spam, threats, bots, etc.
Giants. Giants. Giants, Lovely or ludicrous? It’s like they’re trying to make it seem like the universe is a comedy of errors.
“Flat Earth British Sub” Channel
“Barnabus Nagy” Channel
Flat Earth British “Martin Liedtke” Channel
►Support UAP:
► - download my music and more!
►Buy UAPs Artwork:
Maybe you’re a Master of the Queen’s English, or other languages? Help UAP Channel with your linguistic prowess!
►Translate English title and description to weirdo non-English gibberish
►Captioning text (auto generates in English needing correction)
►Translate captioned text to weirdo non-English gibberish
Your ability can be tremendous help, since my method of slowly repeating in an condescending tone at louder volumes isn’t understood.
If I’m doing something elsewhere on YouTube it will be at “UAP Channel” on
Music in my vids are usually self-composed and performed by me, UAP, and found listed below:
-download any tracks you choose at the price you set at
-to sample & download the HQ individual music tracks
or by album
the first album release “Electric Eve”
Who is UAP?
UAP (as conferred by my subs) stands for Underrated Actual Physicist. I’m Orthodox in faith and technologically inclined by profession, but my nature here is rebellious... it usually lines up with the traditional wisdom of Church Fathers, and knowledge of the Ancients by way of THE scientific method;
-and yes, that may be revolutionary.
What’s this UAP doing on YouTube?
I’m making videos at a rate of about one per day,
1. Defending God’s Word,
2. Remediating botched Science Education, Mystery History, MSM
3. Discussing evidence for alternative narratives
Logic, science, true History lessons, and fun, frivolous, wild speculation!
I’m into whatever’s uncommonly known but useful, I demand answers about questions mishandled in popular science. Researching it myself, eventually I put forth my own wild conjecture, seeing how it ends up actually being correct more often than not.
My analysis includes humor, but is serious about how the Bible has given us the right direction and inspiration all along, and the data’s corroborating Scripture over Scientism’s modern fables.
Orthodox ideas have been systematically contradicted and suppressed by widespread belief in popular hypotheses taught as fact. These programmed notions are my targets of opportunity.
►If you have videos or articles you want me to see please do send to
+my Sources:
Materials used are chosen for my news reporting, by sharing the best original research as “UAP” we question the rote narratives of consensus. When misguided lessons of science ask us first to “imagine”, I reject the premise!
Images, video, audio, lyrics, quotations, names, titles, places, and music not belonging to me are only used carefully when:
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution...
by permission of the rights holder,
public domain,
transformatively original creative work...,
Considered fair use of copyrighted materials...,
parody or transformative artistic works,
material to original and/or collaborative research presented,
abridged for criticism and scholarly review e.g. a montage,
discovery/investigative reporting (systemic anomaly, open inquiry to community),
educational resource essential aids for educational critique / collaboration
Music or vocal performances by me of another’s copyrighted composition may be revenue-shared content used by official licensed sharing agreements made in accordance with YouTube policy, or used by special permission of the rights holder to me.
►Content (and life) costs money to make.
Sponsor my content with ads: Contact me at
“B-sides” on my other channel and that is called “UAP Channel” on Youtube
Otherwise, the original audio and video content uploaded here are my property and all rights are reserved. Re-use permitted only with my express written permission, as via account ownership or by my representative.
►live stream, live chat, and video comments POLICY:
I like to keep it FAMILY FRIENDLY! if it isn’t I’ll make it very clear and age-restrict it. Otherwise, imagine an elementary school classroom reading your chosen words aloud.
Inappropriate content, foul language, inappropriate innuendo, hate speech, vain use of the Name of my Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus the Christ, the Holy Spirit, a.k.a. God, also offending of another’s religion. Bullying, filthy snide remarks, etc. are not tolerated.
Is this the real life? is this just fantasy? caught in a mudslide, no escape from reality. open your 👀, look up to the skies and see. You got mud on your face, you big disgrace, waving your banner all over the place. We will, we will, mock you.
►Support UAP:
► - download my music and more!
►Buy UAPs Artwork:
Help UAP Channel with your linguistic prowess!
►Translate English title and description from English
►Captioning text (auto generates in English needing correction)
►Translate captioned text from English
If I’m doing something elsewhere on YouTube it will be at “UAP Channel” on
Music in my vids are usually self-composed and performed by me, UAP, and may be found listed below and on my website for downloading any tracks you choose at the price you want to pay.
-to sample & download the HQ by album
UAP Original Music Album 1 | Electric Eve
UAP Original Music Album 2 | Mudflood
Who is UAP?
UAP (as conferred by my subs) stands for Underrated Actual Physicist. I’m Orthodox in faith and technologically inclined by profession, but my nature here is rebellious... it usually lines up with the traditional wisdom of Church Fathers, and knowledge of the Ancients by way of THE scientific method;
It’s low-key revolutionary.
What’s this UAP doing on YouTube?
I’m making videos at a rate of about one per day,
1. Championing God’s Word by inspiring vs. conspiring
2. Remediation of Science Education, Mystery History, MSM
3. Proposing of alternative narratives
Logic, learning, and fun, frivolous, wild speculation!
Essentially esoteric, I demand questions about about narratives in pop-sci culture. Firstly, I academically reject untestable premises. Lastly, if my wild conjecture verifies, I’m seeing it end up actually being validated more often than not.
Levity combined with serious Biblical direction for inspiration to buck ubiquitous indoctrination by the imposition of Scientism’s 🧚♀️ tales.
Orthodox Scriptures have been assaulted systematically, and contradicted line and verse by hypotheses based on systemic assumptions taught as fact. These heretofore unchallenged programmers’ notions are my targets of opportunity.
►If you have videos or articles you want me to see please do send to
+my Sources for this video:
1. My creative voiceovers, graphics, parodies, screenshots of research highlights, and maybe some
2. Clippings of materials selected for news reporting,
Novel assembly and editing for editorial research summary presentation by me as “UAP”. It’s criticism by questioning the rote narratives of consensus through parody.
I’m not criticizing the people misguided by the false lessons. I’m against lessons that begin with “imagine”. We reject the premise!
Images, video, audio, lyrics, quotations, names, titles, places, and music not belonging to me are only used carefully when:
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution...
granted by permission of the rights holder,
when public domain,
as necessary in transformatively original creative work by fair use of copyrighted materials...,
parody or transformative artistic works,
for original and/or collaborative research,
iabridged for criticism and scholarly review e.g. a montage,
discovery/investigative/inquiry reporting,
for educational critique and collaboration.
Some parodies incl. musical and voice performances by me of another’s copyrighted composition may be revenue-shared content used by official licensed sharing agreements made in accordance with YouTube policy, or used by special permission of the rights holder.
►Content (and life) costs money to make.
Sponsor my content with ads: Contact me at
“B-sides” on my other channel and that is called “UAP Channel” on Youtube
Otherwise, the original audio and video content uploaded here are my property and all rights are reserved. Re-use permitted only with my express written permission, as via account ownership or by my representative.
►live stream, live chat, and video comments POLICY:
I like to keep it FAMILY FRIENDLY! if it isn’t I’ll make it very clear and age-restrict it. Otherwise, imagine an elementary school classroom reading your chosen words aloud.
Inappropriate content, foul language, inappropriate innuendo, hate speech, vain use of the Name of my Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus the Christ, the Holy Spirit, a.k.a. God, also offending of another’s religion. Bullying, filthy snide remarks, etc. are not tolerated.
UAP is making videos critical of dishonest science.
UAP stands for Underrated Actual Physicist. I’m making videos at a rate of about once per day, about anything that is fascinating and not mundane, orthodox knowledge from the ancients that is now revolutionary.
UAP deigns to question the narratives of science by consensus. When it comes to “the givens” of our increasingly misguided teachings of science, I reject the premise.
Truth needn’t be prosaic, let me use humor, music, and poetry to challenge the stuffy science pawned off using crafty methods
Love my videos? Hate the insincerity of NASA? This channel can make a difference among the thousands out there. If I get to 3,000 Patrons on Patreon, I'll be the only one with a substantial budget truthfully examining science with honest criticism.
Contact me at
Something else besides- check out my “B-sides” on my other channel and that is “UAP Channel” on Youtube
UAP Channel presents more divine knowledge in pursuit of whatever is true but uncommon, with a little humor and music, great science, good sense, and a little non-sense.
The ”bomb club” heros invented chemistry to use alchemy to add protons to uranium to make plutonium to blow up cities?
A Master Chemist’s former Master separated Plutonium (melts at 600° C) from a wooden table to recover spilled solid PU. Wood burns at about 600°C When the wood has released all its gases, it leaves charcoal and ashes. Charcoal burns at temperatures exceeding 1,100 °C. All in one night and he was found out anyway.
I wonder if he’s the same one that stuck himself with a needle as well.
Radio decay, sure, but adding protons to make new elements by neutron irradiation? Um, no.
These vids don’t just happen without support
►Content (and life) costs money to make.
►Support UAP:
► - download my music and more!
►Buy UAPs Artwork:
Wanna help my Channel in other ways? Translate!
►Translate English title and description from English
►Captioning text (auto generates in English needing correction)
►Translate captioned text from English
Find me elsewhere on YouTube at “UAP Channel” on
-to sample & download the HQ by album
UAP Original Music Album 1 | Electric Eve
UAP Original Music Album 2 | Mudflood
UAP Original Music Album 3 (coming soon)
Who is UAP?
UAP (as conferred by my subs) stands for Underrated Actual Physicist. I’m Orthodox in faith and technologically inclined by profession, but my nature here is rebellious... why? It often agrees with the traditional wisdom of Church Fathers, and knowledge of the Ancients by way of THE scientific method;
I’m making videos at a rate of about one per day,
A.) Championing God’s Word by inspiration and NOT imposition
B.) Remediating false narratives
C.) Rejecting anti-Biblical ideas when the premise"SCIENCE”
D.) Freestyling Historical and Scientific narratives that make more SENSE
Why? For Money? LOL ha ha haaa, I'm not even close to offsetting my income loss doing this; to share faith in the Good Creator I trust and love...
...I clarify things of pop-sci CULTure that tries to make it seem like the Bible isn’t true and God doesn’t exist.
Christian Holy Scripture has been assaulted systematically chapter, line, and verse. Consider me the Bible's defense lawyer, or defense Warrior. Armor of God and my sixth, sick sense (humor) accompany me, and my awesome Subs to battle!
►If you have videos or articles you want me to see please send to
+my Sources for this video:
1. My own creative voiceovers, graphics, parodies, screenshots of research highlights
2. Clippings selected for education, news reporting
Novel editing for opinion essays, shared research, compiled by me as “UAP” for criticism and parody, to question the rote, narrative consensus in transformative ways.
I’m not criticizing the PEOPLE misguided by the false lessons. I’m against lessons that begin by asking us to “imagine”. Premise rejected, IMAGINE THAT TEDx.
Images, video, audio, lyrics, quotations, names, titles, places, and music not belonging to me are only used carefully when:
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution...,
granted permission of the rights by IP rep.,
when in public domain,
as necessary in transformative fair use of copyrighted copyrighted materials...,
transformative artistic remix or compilation,
for original and/or collaborative documentary research,
criticism and scholarly review e.g. a montage with commentary,
news discovery/investigative/inquiry reporting,
for shared educational reasons of critique and collaboration.
Sponsor my content with ads: Contact me at
Otherwise, the original audio and video content uploaded here are my property and all rights are reserved. Re-use permitted only with my express written permission, as via account ownership or by my representative.
►live stream, live chat, and video comments POLICY:
I like to keep it FAMILY FRIENDLY! If it's not I tell you in the first 30 seconds, the title, or top of the "Prescription"
Any Links in comments are auto-filtered. Also filtered are excessively foul, inappropriate, hateful, snide, insulting, race/sex/creed-oriented comments, personal, doxxing, bullying, vain use of the Name of Jesus, God, Creator, Allah, etc. regardless of own personal religion. Bullying, filthy, snide remarks, etc. are not tolerated.
Truth is like a ratcheting wrench. Every time something wakes someone up to a truth it clicks in one direction only and doesn’t go back as long as one is engaged and not slipping. Busting global mathemagical myths and building back faith in the Creator.
P.O. Box 2904
Toledo, OH 43606
If I’m doing something on another YouTube Channel it will be at “UAP” on
Subscribe there in one click
And this is where you are now: Share!
Subscribe in one click
►Download my music free, or just to donate
►Donate cash easy$UAPch
► Use link to my Amazon Store just by clicking in & shopping normally, you spend nothing extra & support UAP, thanks!
►Support UAP and be an insider -
►UAP Logo T-shirts, mugs &more:
► Follow my music on Spotify
►Buy UAPs Artwork:
Underrated Actual Physicist - Here in part to debunk myths... but to find Truth, which usually validates the the Faith inside the wise, & re-discovers uncommon knowledge of the Ancients by way of THE scientific method;
-and yes, that's revolutionary.
About WHAT?
Any subject that is fascinating, extraordinary, uncommonly known but very useful, and true, I demand answers about official stuff I don’t want misrepresented by popular science, first by researching it myself, then by spewing forth my own wild conjecture, and finally seeing how myends up being correct more often than I expect.
Research. Great voiceovers of the best things I could find or think about each day. Application of our universal logic, selectively using my exceptionally expensive education to find the wrong track, ditching the assumptions, then I identify the propaganda,... and see what is left.
Courage to choose what's right no matter about cognitive dissonance
...and the wisdom to know the difference.
WHY? To stop being a sucker! Gullible slaves don't know who they serve, and Stockholm syndrome isn't a lifestyle choice good enough for me.
So, I find and share the Truth in a novel, fun, practical way... resulting in comedy- just by examining the veracity of official facts, it's natural and funny funtime fun!
Hilarious comedy.
Here on Earth. YouTube.
-the cutting edge of the pushed envelope sealed with the spit of ridicule.
Even more when these Orthodox ideas have been systematically contradicted and suppressed only by widespread belief in popularly conjectured hypotheses. These things are my targets of opportunity.
►Help translate at the other channel simply called UAP! Your language ability can be a tremendous help!
►If you have video or photos you want me to see, do send it to and I’ll check it out!
Materials used are chosen sources for reporting the best in research from around the world as UAP deigns to question the narratives of consensus, because, I reject the premise!
Titles used are either under licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (, or by Fair Use for ongoing research.
Music, revenue-shared, or copyrighted works included by fair use (including content used by licensed sharing agreements in accordance with YouTube policy), or used by permission may be listed below,
Intro song is my own composition called "Spirit Sword"
Wanna seriously support this work?
The evidence of civilizations past is overwhelming.
Hope you like what I do. It’s a lot of work, and is a lot of fun. Sometimes a whole lot fun, but at the expense of other things that are more monetarily rewarding.
►Support UAP:
If you want stuff after giving me your money
►Buy UAPs Artwork:
Who is UAP?
UAP (as conferred by my subs) stands for Underrated Actual Physicist. I’m Orthodox in faith and technologically inclined by profession, but my nature here is rebellious... it usually lines up with the traditional wisdom of Church Fathers, and knowledge of the Ancients by way of THE scientific method;
-and yes, that may be revolutionary.
What’s this UAP doing on YouTube?
I’m making videos at a rate of about one per day,
1. Defending God’s Word,
2. Remediating botched news
science lessons,
entertaining while enlightening,
or just pushing the envelope
Any subject that is fascinating, extraordinary, uncommonly known but very useful, and true, I demand answers about official stuff I don’t want misrepresented by popular science, first by researching it myself, then by spewing forth my own wild conjecture, and finally seeing how myends up being correct more often than I expect.
My analysis includes humor, but is serious about finding the observable+ repeatable+ reproducible data that IS fact, especially when the Bible has given us the right direction, inspiration, and corroborating testimonials.
Even more when these Orthodox ideas have been systematically contradicted and suppressed only by widespread belief in popularly conjectured hypotheses. These things are my targets of opportunity.
►Help translate! Your language ability can be a tremendous help!
►If you have videos you want me to see do send it to and I’ll post it!
Materials used are chosen sources for reporting the best in research from around the world as UAP deigns to question the narratives of science by consensus. When it comes to “the givens” of our increasingly misguided teachings of science, I reject the premise!
►Follow Us On Twitter: coming soon!
►The Truth About the Stars and Flat Earth
►Music: UAP’s select jams for the Flat Earth
Help me translate!
Titles used are either under licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (,
Music, revenue-shared, or copyrighted works included by fair use (including content used by licensed sharing agreements in accordance with YouTube policy), or used by permission can be found listed below,
Artist: http://
Love my videos?
Contact me at
Something else besides- check out my “B-sides” on my other channel and that is “UAP Channel” on Youtube
UAP Channel presents more divine knowledge in pursuit of whatever is true but uncommon, with a little humor and music, great science, good sense, and a little non-sense.
All video content uploaded here are under the express permission of the original owner, or are in public domain falling under Fair Use for commentary, research, news reporting purposes under current copyright rules.
Inappropriate content, foul language, hate speech, or flagged content will be automatically removed from comments by automated filtering or manual review by UAP or admin., some comments may be released in fairness and respecting freedom of speech. Free speech doesn’t include spam, threats, bots, etc.
Los Angeles, Chicago, and more cities seem to have been “found” by the “founders” of the lands.
Hope you like what I do. It’s a lot of work, and is a lot of fun. Sometimes a whole lot fun, but at the expense of much more lucrative activities that don’t generate vidJoes.
►Support UAP:
If you want stuff after giving me your money
►Buy UAPs Artwork:
Who is UAP?
UAP (as conferred by my subs) stands for Underrated Actual Physicist. I’m Orthodox in faith and technologically inclined by profession, but my nature here is rebellious... it usually lines up with the traditional wisdom of Church Fathers, and knowledge of the Ancients by way of THE scientific method;
-and yes, that may be revolutionary.
What’s this UAP doing on YouTube?
I’m making videos at a rate of about one per day,
1. Defending God’s Word,
2. Remediating botched news
science lessons,
entertaining while enlightening,
or just pushing the envelope
Any subject that is fascinating, extraordinary, uncommonly known but very useful, and true, I demand answers about official stuff I don’t want misrepresented by popular science, first by researching it myself, then by spewing forth my own wild conjecture, and finally seeing how myends up being correct more often than I expect.
My analysis includes humor, but is serious about finding the observable+ repeatable+ reproducible data that IS fact, especially when the Bible has given us the right direction, inspiration, and corroborating testimonials.
Even more when these Orthodox ideas have been systematically contradicted and suppressed only by widespread belief in popularly conjectured hypotheses. These things are my targets of opportunity.
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- Doctor’s Orders Channel
Materials used are chosen sources for reporting the best in research from around the world as UAP deigns to question the narratives of science by consensus. When it comes to “the givens” of our increasingly misguided teachings of science, I reject the premise!
►Follow Us On Twitter: coming soon!
►The Truth About the Stars and Flat Earth
►Music: UAP’s select jams for the Flat Earth
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Something else besides- check out my “B-sides” on my other channel and that is “UAP Channel” on Youtube
UAP Channel presents more divine knowledge in pursuit of whatever is true but uncommon, with a little humor and music, great science, good sense, and a little non-sense.
All video content uploaded here are under the express permission of the original owner, or are in public domain falling under Fair Use for commentary, research, news reporting purposes under current copyright rules.
Inappropriate content, foul language, hate speech, or flagged content will be automatically removed from comments by automated filtering or manual review by UAP or admin., some comments may be released in fairness and respecting freedom of speech. Free speech doesn’t include spam, threats, bots, etc.
Escape from L.A. - shouldn’t be too hard for the SpaceX Falcon 9. It dumps 10 satellites successfully on 22nd December 2017 into fake space in pretend orbit, if we believe what we’re told by SpaceX themselves, and the USAF who are also filthy liars. It’s fraud. It is chicanery.
Elon Musk is a dirty, filthy liar. I do not believe him. At dusk on 22 DEC. 2017 a rocket with 9 booster engines busts to pieces over LA before thousands of cameras. People somehow don’t know that the streak trail coming from Vandenberg AFB is the Falcon 9 SpaceX rocket!
SpaceX seems unaware as they declare success anyway. They say the rocket is over Africa doling out satellites for air traffic control - yeah right. They steal our tax money to defraud us. We pay for images to trick us. They cannot go to space. Space is fake.
But they pretend to travel into orbits which are impossible. They plan and carry out elaborate hoaxes. From phony school massacres to satellite launches, they hide the facts and report the lies. They try to make it seem like people can’t be trusted with guns or freedom. They try to make t seem like the Bible isn’t true and that what the Bible says about creation, the flat Earth, and the dome firmament above simply never could have happened and this is scientifically verifiable by fake space.
The Earth is not a globe. Outer space is a hoax. Nothing orbits. Space satellites are a hoax.
Do you know why I say that I don’t believe them? Because fake space is ridiculous to begin with, and only ever has been animated. Yet, it has never been so obviously faked as this time, December 22, 2017, at dusk in Los Angeles, when their balloon rocket goes off course from Vandenberg AFB and busts into pieces at around 20,000 ft. altitude over L.A.
SpaceX audaciously declares success during a live webcast, as the filthy liars show phony clips of how it is circling the CGI globe at impossible speeds and altitude, deploying foil-wrapped toy floating satellites that nobody actually ever uses. It has phony telemetry data saying it is hundreds of kilometers high, going tens of thousands of km/hr. They cut to a scene of a pool by accident, where they filmed the fake satellites floating up along with some bubbles as they were “successfully deployed”. Oops.
If this doesn’t seal the deal, then it is hopeless that the fairy tale will always be believed by everyone. They fake space. They pretend. The local news is in on it. The national news is in on it. The Air Force is in on it. The FBI is in on it. They are all charlatans. They lie to your face and laugh at you.
UAP Channel is in hot pursuit of whatever is true but uncommon, with a little humor, great science, and zero fantasy belief in outer space. UAP defends God’s Word from deceivers who try to make it seem like the Bible is untrue, allegorical, myth, or outdated. The Bible proves out as confirmed true most of the time it is honestly tested, plausible some times, possible the rest of the time. Not so regarding the Godless CGI cosmos.
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Watch Above & Beyond live at Madison Square Garden
SAY MY NAME! Bryan Cranston a.k.a. Walter White Pushes The Button for Above & Beyond at EDC 2015
During Above & Beyond's headlining set at Electric Daisy Carnival Las Vegas on Saturday night, the group invited a very special guest to join them on stage to Push The Button in front of 80,000 fans. His name? You’re goddam right: Walter White (a.k.a. Heisenberg, Brian Cranston’s alter ego in AMC's hit TV show Breaking Bad).
Breaking Bad is Above & Beyond's (Jono Grant, Tony McGuinness, Paavo Siljamäki) all-time favourite television show, and inspired the creation of a track called "Walter White,” which became one of A&B’s biggest releases in recent years. Jono and Paavo connected with Bryan Cranston before the show and invited him to join them on stage during the track.
In front of a sold-out crowd, the legendary actor slipped straight into character and announced himself in true ‘Heisenberg' style, creating a moment that will surely go down as one of the most memorable in EDC history.
Tucker Carlson Tonight 6/28/21 [FULL]
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If you never heard of this man before be sure to check him out! So motivational!
CT FLETCHERS - Ct Fletcher is a huge inspiration to me!
YouTube channel -
Learn more about CT FLETCHER -
Instagram: @ISYMFS
Video name - CT Fletcher - Motivational Speech OBSESSION
I look for you pain! Pull up and deadlifts with CT Fletcher featuring Frank Medrano -
Snap City: Welcome to Muscleville with CT Fletcher -
The Strongest Man You've Never Heard Of: CT Fletcher -
"Why I want you to be hard!" CT Fletcher -
Speech -
Song name -Elysium - Main Theme - Soundtrack Score HD
I do not own any of the clips nor do I own the music used. I have formulated the sequence in which this video has been used in order to give a motivational and educational video for others to help them.
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Images a mix of historical images, my own photography/footage and from Pexel & Unsplash.
Channel is not monetised; happy for reuploads, copy/pasting, whatever.
0:00 - START
0:55 - wonder woman joins the pod
3:27 - It’s not Wonder Woman and broken bottle!
7:00 - Will this episode be censored??
10:15 - Alex Jones loses his clothes
11:00 - Alex Jones has the largest WHAT
15:00 - Alex Jones calls out the Paul Brothers in boxing
18:30 - Jon Stewart joined the ranks of conspiracy theorists
29:00 - How much money does Alex Jones have?
33:15 - Head of youtube Explains why she banned Alex
35:18 - Alex jones is a virgin
38:10 - Stylebender wants to fight Alex Jones
43:15 - Andrew Yang has been tapped
54:40 - trump was one of the worst things to happen to America
1:06:12 - The sexual dominance with power
1:16:00 - Alex Jones should do stand up comedy
1:20:40 - What will be the reaction to Alex Jones’ death?
1:38:42 - Alex Jones is the most interesting man on the planet
1:46:12 - Why show business is bad for children
1:52:25 - Hunter Biden Is A Painter Now?
2:06:27 - UFO’s are from the Earth
2:25:30 - Alex Jones’ Explains what happened at the Capitol Riots
Video By - AlexxMedia
The views and opinions expressed by those found in this video belong to the speakers or authors alone and do not reflect or represent the views and opinions held by YouTube. Its partners and/or its owners.
The information contained in this video has been produced with no warranty, expressed or implied to the validity, accuracy, reliability, completeness, legality or usefulness of what is said or expressed. No persons viewing or listening to this video should seek to rely on the information found within the video.
The views expressed by the speakers or authors are done so in an “Artistic” manner as defined within the YouTube guidelines and has been produced purely for entertainment purposes only.
The owners of the channels as well as the speakers in the video will never condone hate speech and condemn it in all its entirety.
Flagrant 2 is a comedy podcast that delivers unfiltered, unapologetic, and unruly hot takes directly to your dome piece. In an era dictated by political correctness, hosts Andrew Schulz and Akaash Singh, along with AlexxMedia and Mark Gagnon, could care less about sensitivities. If it’s funny and flagrant it flies. If you are sensitive this podcast is not for you. But if you miss the days of comedians actually being funny instead of preaching to a quire then welcome to The Flagrancy.
Join the Patreon Asshole Army:
#Flagrant2 #AndrewSchulz #AkaashSingh #AlexxMedia
New York native and internationally touring stand-up, Andrew Schulz is known for his hilarious and unsafe comedy. He has starred in the sitcom BENDERS (now available on Netflix), can be seen in Amazon’s SNEAKY PETE, HBO’s CRASHING, and on MTV including GUY CODE and GIRL CODE.
In the podcast realm, Schulz can be heard on the wildly popular THE BRILLIANT IDIOTS — co-hosted by nationally syndicated radio and television personality Charlamagne tha God — the hilarious sports commentary podcast FLAGRANT 2, and the film and TV analysis podcast WESTERBROS. He has made major appearances on The Joe Rogan Experience, Bert Kreischer’s BERTCAST, Joey “coco” Diaz The Chuch of What’s Happening Now, and Theo Von’s This Past Weekend. He has even done solo interviews with the likes of Lil Duval and many others.
Andrew’s online presence has touched hundreds of millions of people across the globe and his unconventionally funny approach to the comedy world has launched him into stardome. His shows Dropping In and Inside Jokes will rack of hundreds of thousands of views weekly. Nothing is off limits for Schulz, from sex to race, and even the occasional audience heckler roast, Andrew is hungry to be the best. He can be seen in New York City performing regularly at New York Comedy Club and the Comedy Cellar.
Tucker Carlson Tonight *
July 25, 2022, 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Powerful analysis and spirited debates with guests from across the political and cultural spectrum.
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In episode one of The Great Reset Docuseries, we introduced The Great Reset. Now, in the first half of a two-part look at what Klaus Schwab calls the Technological Reset (or the Fourth Industrial Revolution), we examine some of the key figures and types of technology that are shifting the world as we know it.
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In #911Truth Part 19 I have combined and uploaded the epic 9/11 video series by Adam Dwyer titled: IRREFUTABLE: Classified Free-Energy Technology Revealed to the World. Adam is an engineer that, after discovering the world of Dr. Judy Wood and the truth of 9/11, took it upon himself to produce a 6+ episode series that captures the enormous magnitude of the events that conspired on September 11, 2001. From giant steel structures turning into dust before our very eyes to a giant hurricane being manufactured, wrapping our minds around 9/11 requires questioning the very fabric of our reality…
Finally, since it was only fitting to do so, I have also included at the end the music video by Charlie Pound titled: Wake Up This is Your Alarm!
Each individual episode is listed below along with the timestamps in the video, and links to the original videos:
1. @ 0:00 - Episode 0: Overview
2. @ 8:22 - Episode 1: Missing Rubble
3. @ 20:14 - Episode 2: Dr. Judy Wood
4. @ 25:12 - Episode 3: Dustification
5. @ 36:56 - Episode 4: The Big Picture
6. @ 43:56 - Episode 5: The Book
7. @ 48:34 - Episode 6.1: Discovery of Hurricane Erin
8. @ 49:18 - Episode 6.5: Geraldo Rivera Celebrates 40 Years of Hurricane Coverage
9. @ 50:58 - Episode 6: Hurricane Erin – Pt. 1 Manufactured Storm
10 @ 1:05:52 - Music Video: Wake Up This is Your Alarm! by Charlie Pound
Adam Dwyer’s YouTube channel:
The links to Adam Dwyer’s original videos, social media channels, websites, donations, and shop are available on the corresponding Hive post:
Stay tuned for #911Truth Part 20...
Related Videos:
✈️#911Truth Part 11: Feature Documentary: 9/11 Alchemy – Facing Reality by Wolf Clan Media:
✈️#911Truth Part 15: Feature Presentation: The Dawn of a New Age by Dr. Judy Wood:
✈️#911Truth Part 18: Feature Documentary: 9/11 Alchemy - Free Energy & Free Thinking by WFC:
#911Truth video series:
#MESScience video series:
#MESExperiments video series:
#AntiGravity video series:
#FreeEnergy video series: .
NOTE: Some audio is muted due to copyright issues. Watch unedited version on BitChute:
In #911Truth Part 11, I have uploaded (with permission) Christian Hampton’s game changing documentary on 9/11, the advanced technology involved, and the continual coverup by controlled opposition “truth” movements. Chris uses his skills as an audio engineer and filmmaker to build upon the work of Dr. Judy Wood, and by focusing on the advanced holographic image projection technology used to mimic large Boeing airliners. Directed (Free) Energy Technology (DEW) is the main type of technology used on 9/11; from creating “plane” illusions to turning 7 large world trade center towers to dust, steering a giant Hurricane Erin off the coast, altering the Earth’s magnetic field, levitating cars, and interfering with nearby cameras and phones; on this day September 11, 2001, 17 years ago, energy, matter, metal, elements, and our very reality was manipulated before our very eyes. It is long overdue that we begin wrapping our minds around what our eyes saw but our minds initially couldn't comprehend...
The full description can be viewed here:
Wolf Clan Media (WCM) Website:
WCM YouTube:
The video timestamps are listed below.
1. 0:00 - Introduction by Christian Hampton
2. 1:13 - Predictive Programming?
3. 3:52 - Bill Cooper 9/11 Prediction
4. 4:59 - President Eisenhower Farewell Speech
5. 6:42 - The Energy Issue
6. 7:30 - Controlled Demolitions
7. 8:30 - Missing Rubble & Seismic Impact
8. 10:54 – Black Budget
9. 13:03 – The Aether
10. 14:50 – Earth’s Magnetic Field
11. 15:46 – Hurricane Erin, Tesla Coils, & the day before 9/11
12. 20:17 – Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)
13. 24:35 – Dr. Judy Wood’s Qui Tam Case
14. 24:46 - John Hutchison
15. 27:01 – Awareness Test
16. 27:50 – “Video Fakery” Disinformation
17. 36:47 – Richard Hall’s 3D Radar Analysis
18. 40:59 – The “POD/Drone Theory” Disinfo
19. 43:25 – Dr. Morgan Reynolds Qui Tam Case
20. 51:55 – Contractors: ARA & SAIC
21. 58:04 –3D Projection Technology
22. 1:03:28 – Gelatin & Ace Baker Disinfo
23. 1:09:46 – Real Time Holographic Visualization
24. 1:12:11 – Quasicrystals
25. 1:17:30 – Qui Tam Cases Dismissal & Coverup
26. 1:19:04 – Steven Jones & Cold Fusion Coverup
27. 1:22:14 – Missile Disinfo
28. 1:25:23 – Shanksville: No Plane Debris at Crash Site
29. 1:27:44 – Flight 93 Flight Path
30. 1:32:34 – Flight 77: No Plane Debris at Pentagon
31. 1:34:27 – Pentagon Damage
32. 1:35:34 – Flight 93: Phantom Airplane
33. 1:36:35 – Shiny White Orbs
34. 1:39:46 – Mysterious White Planes
35. 1:41:09 – Disappearing Plane Wings
36. 1:42:42 – Shutter Speed vs Frame Rate
37. 1:46:40 – 1980s Holographic UFOs & Aliens
38. 1:48:12 – Gelatin in Holography
39. 1:49:09 – 2001: A Space Odyssey
40. 1:52:37 – Monolith on 1/1/2001
41. 1:53:49 – Disinfo Agents
42. 1:55:38 – Occult Numerology
43. 1:57:53 – Project Blue Beam
44. 1:59:17 – Holes
45. 2:02:18 – Jumpers
46. 2:04:09 – Star Wars in Iraq & Pentagon
47. 2:05:15 – Warped Columns
48. 2:08:35 – Elevators, Pipes, Concrete Cracking Up
49. 2:11:07 – The “Flash Frame”
50. 2:12:44 – DEW: Side Effects, Camera Glitches, Burger King Outage
51. 2:15:24 – Magnetic Camera Tape
52. 2:17:23 – Power Outages, Unburnt Paper, and Levitation
53. 2:19:08 – Transmutation: Fusion, Fuming
54. 2:22:19 – Flight 93: Cottage in Ruins
55. 2:23:00 – Fuming for Years
56. 2:24:27 – Iron-Rich Spheres: WTC, Crop Circles, Tunguska Event
57. 2:27:11 – Crop Circles: Levitation, High Energy
58. 2:30:24 – Pump Wells: Iron Contamination in Soil
59. 2:33:46 – Flight 93: Energy Effects on Trees
60. 2:35:30 – Space & Perception: Facing Reality
61. 2:38:56 – Strategic Defense Initiative & Project Blue Beam
62. 2:41:24 – Weaponization of Space
63. 2:44:25 – Ashe Conformity Experiments
64. 2:45:53 – Psychological Warfare: War of the Worlds and 9/11
65. 2:51:28 – David Rockefeller: WTC Construction & Destruction
66. 2:52:57 – A Decades Long Conspiracy
67. 2:54:36 – Credits and References
In #911Truth Part 18 I have uploaded, with permission, legendary documentary maker Christian Hampton's, from Wolf Clan Media, first 9/11 documentary titled: 9/11 Alchemy: Free Energy & Free Thinking. This documentary is Volume 1 of his 9/11 Alchemy series in which I have already uploaded Volume 2, Facing Reality, in #911Truth Part 11. But given the importance of both free energy and free thinking, now is a fitting time to present it. In fact, the simple notion of “thinking freely” is something that is deemed “controversial” in today’s totalitarian fear-based order-following society.
The documentary begins with an overview of Nikola Tesla and his plans to build Wardenclyffe Tower in New York in 1901 with hopes of providing the world with unmetered free electrical energy. Fast forward through decades of pre-planned wars, narrated via President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s warning of the Military Industrial Complex, and we arrive at the new ground zero for war: September 11, 2001. The turning of massive buildings (and people) into dust and spontaneously combusting cars, all while leaving very little rubble left was a devastation that left clues for a better world, a free world.
September 11, 2001 was the date the world was confronted with the magic of alchemy, but we just need the mind to comprehend what the eyes see. Dr. Judy Wood was one such mind and even connected the work of obscure free thinking inventor John Hutchison to every alchemical effect on 9/11. What we are entering is the world of secrecy, the world of classified material, the world which the public is not meant to see or even know about. And this world has ways of keeping itself hidden. One such way is by steering truth seekers away from cold fusion and into dead ends of invisible thermitic explosives. But steer through the clouds of dust and disinformation, and what’s laying there is the truth. And this truth is that free energy and free thinking go hand-in-hand…
Subscribe to @Wolf Clan Media!
WCM website:
For a complete list of WCM links, complete sequence of events, and MANY screenshots chronicling the video, please see the corresponding video notes on the Hive blockchain:
The (shortened) sequences of events and their timestamps are listed below.
1. @ 0:00 - Nikola Tesla
2. @ 5:49 – September 11, 2001
- @ 6:54 – Hurricane Erin mentioned on TV
3. @ 13:28 – 9/11 Alchemy: Free Energy & Free Thinking
4. Disappearing Towers
- @ 19:00 – Miracle of Stairwell B
5. @ 21:35 – John Hutchison: The Hutchison Effect
- @ 24:56 - Dustification of Humans
6. @ 32:55 – Dustification of the WTC
7. @ 36:31 – Dust
8. @ 42:07 – More Hutchison Effect on 9/11
9. @ 51:42 – Molecular dissociation
10. @ 53:52 – Energy
11. @ 1:09:15 – Joseph Newman free energy device
12. @ 1:10:36 – NIST WTC 7 science fraud
13. @ 1:11:50 – ARA and SAIC chosen to coverup Twin Towers dustification
14. Cold Fusion and 9/11
- @ 1:14:49 – High tritium levels on 9/11
- @ 1:16:03 – Disinfo agent Steven E. Jones coverup of LENR or Cold Fusion
15. @ 1:24:38 – Disinfo agent Steven E. Jones and “Nano-Thermite” disinfo
16. @ 1:28:00 – Alleged “planes”, bird damage, and aluminum can launcher
17. @ 1:29:54 – Cleanup crew footage from 9/11 to 9/13
18. @ 1:30:08 – Bill Cooper predicts 9/11
Stay tuned for #911Truth Part 19...
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#AntiGravity video series:
#FreeEnergy video series: . - Medic Paul Gosselin's new daily podcast, 8:00 AM M-F🩺🩹
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So the four angels who had been prepared for this hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.
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Meet Your Strawman: And Whatever You Want To Know Paperback – October 2, 2013
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