I had planned to try and make it work with volume 2 but it’s impossible for me and it’s better to shut it down now.
Although not a “Mercator” model, I include Ronnie & Jason’s stereographic model here as it shares similar characteristics with other “square/rectangular/Mercator” models. It’s an interesting approach, channel link:
Link to Square Earth Cosmology:
Another link to Dreamtime’s Tartaria article (shared in previous episode):
Part 22: Covid-19: Part 5 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times.
By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter
Music: Alexander Nakarada
This is part 22 of God-knows-how-many-parts-in-total. Part 23 will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. If you liked this part, please consider supporting our work: https://www.fallcabal.com/
We make these documentaries without being paid, so any donation - no matter how small - is most welcome! This way we can continue giving our work to the world for free, in order to wake up as many people as possible...
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I got concerned when I watched that at a President Trump rally, he endorsed "Dr. Oz" I searched the internet for info on Dr. Oz, because I had not seen anything about him for a long time.. And the first thing I found was a video that shows him promoting the RFID implant as a good thing.. That means "Dr. OZ" is either ignorant and stupid, or he is supporting and promoting the end goal of the most evil people in the world.. Rockefeller family, Rothchild family and all the other bankers.. Ether way President Trump should NOT endorse this guy. I include in this video the full interview Alex Jones did of the late great Aaron Russo, because here you will hear first hand knowledge of the plans of the banker families. Aaron Russo made friends with one of the Rockefeller's, and learned from him what their plans are: "For everybody to get microchipped, and all money to be on these chips, and if you protest anything they do.. They can just turn off the chip... - This will be "The Mark of the beast"
Revelation 13: 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
#AronRusso #Trump
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My friend and sister in Christ; Prophet Ashley Walker have published 3 books on Amazon! I helped her put them together, and have read it all. It is amazing. But I must warn you.. These books will mess with your Theology...:-)
Here is the link to Ashley Walkers books:
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America Freedom To Fascism Aaron Russo
America: Freedom to Fascism is a 2006 film by Aaron Russo, which alleges among a variety of claims that income tax is illegal. The documentary covers many subjects, including: the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the income tax, Federal Reserve System, national ID cards (REAL ID Act), human-implanted RFID tags (Spychips), Diebold electronic voting machines, globalization, Big Brother, taser weapons abuse, and the alleged use of terrorism by government as a means to diminish the citizens' rights.
The Film Determined to find the law that requires American citizens to pay income tax, producer Aaron Russo set out on a journey to find the evidence. This film which is neither left, nor right-wing is a startling examination of government. It exposes the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America since 1913 when the Federal Reserve system was fraudulently created.
Director: Aaron Russo (1943--2007)
Writer: Aaron Russo
Stars: Aaron Russo, John Turner and Joe Banister
👉 IRS fraud link https://amzn.to/3yUo3qp
👉 Support the channel by clicking here before you start shopping on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2wuNDFX (heck, even bookmark it for future use if you're feeling extra generous).
Thank you everyone of you.
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Part 20: Covid-19: Part 3 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times.
About Face Masks, Social Distancing, and much more...
By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter
Music: Alexander Nakarada, Gothic Storm, Foxwinter, Mortifer V., AShamaluev, T. Mutiu, Zakhar Valaha.
This is part 20 of God-knows-how-many-parts-in-total. Part 21 will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. If you liked this part, please consider supporting our work: https://www.fallcabal.com/
We make these documentaries without being paid, so any donation - no matter how small - is most welcome! This way we can continue giving our work to the world for free, in order to wake up as many people as possible...
Join our FallCabal Telegram Platform for free daily updates: https://t.me/Fall_of_the_Cabal
And don't forget to subscribe to www.fallcabal.com
Part 21: Covid-19: Part 4 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times.
About nose swabs and PCR
By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter
Music: Alexander Nakarada
This is part 21 of God-knows-how-many-parts-in-total. Part 22 will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. If you liked this part, please consider supporting our work: https://www.fallcabal.com/
We make these documentaries without being paid, so any donation - no matter how small - is most welcome! This way we can continue giving our work to the world for free, in order to wake up as many people as possible...
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Boyd Anderson the author of 'Under the Radar 537-555' joins me to share the unbelievable story of what he believes actually happened to missing Malaysian flight MH370, and Boyd swears it's the truth. 537 murdered people aboard two flights. 55,500 tons of stolen gold. Swiss Jews. Rothschild semiconductor patents. The coming alien invasion hoax, and more. Buckle up, this tale is a disturbingly wild ride.
Get the book directly from Boyd:
[email protected]
or here:
Boyd's concise one hour telling of this story:
Under The Radar 537-555
Your support is greatly appreciated:
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President Ensenhower wanted to storm Area 51 if he didn't find out what was going on there. So he send a CIA agent there to learn the
truth and Bob Lazar seems to be telling the truth about alien craft.
In Part 2 of my video series, “Us & Them”, I share how Satan and his blue-blooded Nephilim Serpent Race, has weaved a network and system of control through throughout the entire world, for the sole purpose of hiding the Lord God from you and so that you never come to the knowledge of your free gift of salvation that you have in Jesus Christ, so that you die in your sin and your spiritual energy can be transmuted, to birth the demonic below ground serpent scorpion race that will be birth out of the bottomless pit in the end times.
I also share how the Lord led me to the understanding of the mystery of the formation of the world and how our enclosed system can co-exist with asteroids coming from the Red Dragon, described in Revelation 12, what has been called in the mainstream as, Planet X, Nibiru, the brown dwarf, which is actually Earth's Binary Twin Systems.
I will also provide visual evidence to demonstrate how the “prince of the power of the air’s” spirit, has been working in the children of disobedience throughout history, to build the key to the bottom less pit, which is CERN.
By the end of the this video, you will understand the true symbolic meaning of the Fleur De Lis, the Illuminati Owl, the Double and Single Headed Phoenix, the Templars Cross and the Pine Cone, which will all expose the truth about fake space, our enclose system, the formation of the world, Planet X (Nibiru, Brown Dwarf), Black holes, universal waters, weather manipulation, CERN and how the Lord is going to bring judgement on the world with fire. And you will know that everything that has been hidden in the dark, has been made manifest.- Luke 8:17 and Jesus is coming soon.
I pray that this video blesses you and wakes you up to the times that we are living in.
Do you want the red pill or the blue pill? The choice is yours.
If you want to know the truth about our flat world, watch these videos in order and there will be no turning back.
You might want to also get the app. Flat Earth Sun & Moon Clock app by Blue Water Bay https://qrco.de/bbizVA
Dr. David Martin gives a deposition to Reiner Fuellmich after combing thousands of patents since the early 2000's for the SarsCov spike protein injections. Names all of the companies, Universities and major players involved, DARPA and government connections, etc.
You cannot patent something that is found in nature, so they created In-sillico make-believe computer generated genome sequences that they claim are Coronaviruses, Patent those sequences, since they are man made, not natural, which allows them to patent the PCR test sequence to detect their made up sequence, which allows them to patent the jab, which their synthetic lab made proteins to "treat" the make believe patented Coronavirus detected by the patented test to detect the make believe virus, and then they poison you.
The "outbreaks" are just PCR test fraud looking for made up patented sequences using the name Coronavirus, SARS, etc. They only exist on paper for patent reasons, the real bioweapon is in the jab, not an actual virus going around the public.
in 2009, the 'ebola gene' was smuggled out of a Canadian Level 4 lab. What happened with that? I share a potentially huge discovery! BOOM!
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I have the best audience on the internet! Thank you all for being here. ♥
I also show you a second breach of security at that same lab.. it happened right before our current 'pandemic.' Curiouser and curiouser....
Video Yao Smuggling Ebola: https://sites.google.com/site/bioterrorbible/ROGUE-SCIENTISTS/konan-michel-yao-2009
REUTERS Yao Ebola 2009: https://www.reuters.com/article/canada-us-smuggling-idCATRE54C4QE20090513
Lab Didn’t Tell Police Vials Stolen: https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/lab-didnt-tell-police-22-vials-stolen-45078877.html
Yao Fined $500 Time served CBC: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canadian-fined-500-for-trying-to-sneak-biological-material-into-u-s-1.778428
Bio Dr. Michel Yao, WADEM: https://wadem.org/team/michel-yao/
Nature Mag, Yao from Cote D’Ivoire: https://www.nature.com/articles/459311a
Who Train Leadership Emergency Reponse, Yao: https://www.afro.who.int/fr/node/11099
WHO photo gallery: https://whohqphotos.lightrocketmedia.com/galleries/175/dr-tedros-in-the-field
AP Investigation into Sex for Jobs, Congo: https://apnews.com/article/united-nations-europe-ebola-virus-entertainment-coronavirus-pandemic-d14715ba3653753d7c1f122f8aea79de
Why the WHO Faked a Pandemic: https://web.archive.org/web/20100208182828/https://www.forbes.com/2010/02/05/world-health-organization-swine-flu-pandemic-opinions-contributors-michael-fumento.html
Wodarg, 2009 Pandemic is False: https://web.archive.org/web/20100110091007/http://www.wodarg.de/english/3013320.html
Mercola: WHO changed definition of Herd Immunity: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/violating-science-who-changes-meaning-herd-immunity/
CBC Lab Severs Ties with Researchers July 2019: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/lab-researcher-rcmp-national-microbiology-lab-1.5212851
Wake Up Call – Chinese Scientists might have been spies: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/wake-up-call-for-canada-security-experts-say-case-of-2-fired-scientists-could-point-to-espionage-1.6059097
Microbiology Lab toxic work env, CBC: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/microbiology-lab-winnipeg-toxic-workplace-report-1.5323739
Gilmour Quits for UK job: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/national-microbiology-lab-head-resigns-1.5572772
Yuri Bezmenov is a name few Americans seem familiar with today. Mr. Bezmenov was a Soviet informant and KGB operative who defected to the United States in the early 70s. In an increasingly difficult to find 1984 interview with G. Edward Griffin titled “Deception Was My Job”, he laid out the four stages of “ideological subversion” created by radical Marxists to indoctrinate and weaken nations from within.
Arctic or Antarctic Circles are imaginary lines of equal solar exposure on the imaginary globe. I imagine they should be just about similar in about every reasonable verifiable reference such as population, wildlife, marine life, buildings, air temperatures, trees..
The Banker Aires His Views On The Right Of The Elite
To Control Everyones Lives. A Must Watch For Anyone Who Is Angry About The Current Finanacial Situation! This Is Whats Really Going On!
Performed By Mike Daviot
Written,Directed and Produced By: Craig-James Moncur
The Banker
Hello, my name is Montague William 3rd
And what I will tell you may well sound absurd
But the less who believe it the better for me
For you see I'm in Banking and big industry
For many a year we have controlled your lives
While you all just struggle and suffer in strife
We created the things that you don't really need
Your sports cars and Fashions and Plasma TV's
I remember it clearly how all this begun
Family secrets from Father to Son
Inherited knowledge that gives me the edge
While you peasants, people lie sleeping at night in your beds
We control the money that controls your lives
Whilst you worship false idols and wouldn't think twice
Of selling your souls for a place in the sun
These things that won't matter when your time is done
But as long as they're there to control the masses
I just sit back and consider my assets
Safe in the knowledge that I have it all
While you common people are losing your jobs
You see I just hold you in utter contempt
But the smile on my face well it makes me exempt
For I have the weapon of global TV
Which gives us connection and invites empathy
You would really believe that we look out for you
While we Bankers and Brokers are only a few
But if you saw that then you'd take back the power
Hence daily terrors to make you all cower
The Panics the crashes the wars and the illness
That keep you from finding your Spiritual Wholeness
We rig the game and we buy out both sides
To keep you enslaved in your pitiful lives
So go out and work as your body clock fades
And when it's all over a few years from the grave
You'll look back on all this and just then you'll see
That your life was nothing, a mere fantasy
There are very few things that we don't now control
To have Lawyers and Police Force was always a goal
Doing our bidding as you march on the street
But they never realise they're only just sheep
For real power resides in the hands of a few
You voted for parties what more could you do
But what you don't know is they're one and the same
Old Gordon has passed good old David the reigns
And you'll follow the leader who was put there by you
But your blood it runs red while our blood runs blue
But you simply don't see its all part of the game
Another distraction like money and fame
Get ready for wars in the name of the free
Vaccinations for illness that will never be
The assault on your children's impressionable minds
And a micro chipped world, you'll put up no fight
Information suppression will keep you in toe
Depopulation of peasants was always our goal
But eugenics was not what we hoped it would be
Oh yes it was us that funded Nazis!
But as long as we own all the media too
What's really happening does not concern you
So just go on watching your plasma TV
And the world will be run by the ones you can't see
Written By Craig-James Moncur
"the banker" "The Banker" "Bank Bailout" TARP "Federal Reserve" "Tim Geithner" "Timothy Geithner" "Ben Bernanke" "the federal reserve" "hank paulson" "nancy pelosi" "david rockerfellar" "david icke" "alex jones" the banker, The banker,freemasonary,the freemasons,bohemian grove,the trilateral commision,bohemian grove,george bush,george w bush,george hw bush,illuminati,the speculative society,nanacy pelosi,the tea party,ron paul,rand paul,gerald celente,investments,lloyds,fannie may,haarp,golman sachs,wall st,bailout,fred goodwin,the illuminati,ufos,pyrmid,the great architecht,reptilians,conspiracy,9/11,7/7,loose change,inside job,dr alan watt,banking,bailouts,rbs,the knights templar,the goldsmiths tale,jekyl island,the bilderberg group,rupert murdoch,hidden hand,nwo,new world order,barak obama,barry soetero,rothschild,false flag,propaganda,israel
Dedicated to the memory of Jeff C.
The simulated riots in DC was a powder-keg long in the making. The evidence for preplanning and setting up a situation for disaster is overwhelming. In this episode, we're going to show you how a little stage direction and fake blood became an instrumental role in furthering the division of the nation. Strap yourselves in- it's going to be a bumpy ride... down the Babbitt hole.
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