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In episode one of The Great Reset Docuseries, we introduce The Great Reset. We provide the background of the World Economic Forum and its chairman, Klaus Schwab, along with the other global elites who assisted in the birth of the organization. We explore the organizations that compliment each other, working alongside the WEF to plan and enact a new form of global governance through The Great Reset.
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(LANGUAGE WARNING) Miles McInnes of TheRebel.media: Why are there women’s sports at all? Women are kick ass at sports and can dominate most men. Here we look at five randomly chosen kickass broads who are dominating track and field, weightlifting, dodgeball, and handball. These women are so good, they ought to be competing with men. MORE from Miles: http://www.NoHate.com
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Covid-19 was not a killer virus. The MSM was the real virus. When the CDC, NHS, and other ‘health care’ organisations did a recount of the amount of deaths truly connected to Covid-19, it turned out to be nothing more than a mild flue. How did the authorities brainwash the people into believing their lies? By means of an effective torture program, as confirmed by Amnesty International and others. Eight ways to effectively torture people into obedience had been let loose on the population. Most people succumbed. Don’t miss this episode in order to understand how the human mind works and how it could ever get to this point.
Part 25: this is the eighth episode about Covid-19, the biggest medical scam of all times.
By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter
Music: Alexander Nakarada, Scott Buckley, AShamaluev
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Do you want the red pill or the blue pill? The choice is yours.
If you want to know the truth about our flat world, watch these videos in order and there will be no turning back.
You might want to also get the app. Flat Earth Sun & Moon Clock app by Blue Water Bay https://qrco.de/bbizVA
If this video goes down, continue watching on https://www.oraclefilms.com/safeandeffective
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Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in suppressing free and open debate on the subject.
Sub to our main channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiQ03NIekevtQQkVB_l9ryA
In #911Truth Part 20, I have uploaded the first part of an anonymous documentary series that was mailed to Andrew Johnson from CheckTheEvidence.com with the goal of sharing far and wide. The documentary series consists of 3 parts and are listed below.
9/11 The Essential Guide
9/11 Liars for Truth (I will upload on September 7th)
9/11 Observable Evidence (I will upload on September 11th)
Original article link and anonymous authors' letter: https://www.checktheevidence.com/wordpress/2021/12/27/9-11-liars-for-truth-what-happened-on-9-11-and-how-it-was-covered-up/
The video series in their original quality can be downloaded here: https://tinyurl.com/911observableevidence
Both the first and second parts are shortened versions of the third part, which is the full 10-hour documentary. The first part, 9/11 The Essential Guide, can be seen as a trailer or mini-documentary and is a condensed version of the full documentary. The second part, 9/11 Liars for Truth, goes over the controlled opposition crew employed to keep the lid on the truth of 9/11, which is evidence of directed free energy technology. I will upload the second part on September 7th and the full documentary on September 11th of this year.
This documentary series packages and presents the evidence on 9/11 in a unique way designed to appeal to “normies” and “casual truthers”, as the anonymous authors state. In this regard, they do a great job, especially in showing how the “Truth Movement” is being steered by liars that mimic mainstream media propaganda techniques.
Stay tuned for #911Truth Part 21...
Related Videos:
✈️#911Truth Part 11: Feature Documentary: 9/11 Alchemy – Facing Reality by Wolf Clan Media: https://peakd.com/terrorism/@mes/911truth-part-11-feature-documentary-9-11-alchemy-facing-reality-by-wolf-clan-media
✈️#911Truth Part 15: Feature Presentation: The Dawn of a New Age by Dr. Judy Wood: https://peakd.com/freeenergy/@mes/911truth-part-15-feature-presentation-the-dawn-of-a-new-age-by-dr-judy-wood
✈️#911Truth Part 19: Feature Series: IRREFUTABLE: Free-Energy Technology Revealed to the World: https://peakd.com/hive-113182/@mes/911truth-part-19-irrefutable-classified-free-energy-technology-revealed-to-the-world
Buy “Where Did the Towers Go?” by Dr. Judy Wood: https://mes.fm/judywoodbook
#911Truth video series: https://peakd.com/truth/@mes/911
#MESScience video series: https://mes.fm/science-playlist
#MESExperiments video series: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/list
#AntiGravity video series: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/series
#FreeEnergy video series: https://mes.fm/freeenergy-playlist .
In #911Truth Part 21, I have uploaded the second part of the anonymous documentary series that was mailed to Andrew Johnson from CheckTheEvidence.com. The list of the 3 parts of the documentary series are listed below:
9/11 The Essential Guide: https://youtu.be/zn2rd_jEJkU
9/11 Liars for Truth
9/11 Observable Evidence (I will upload on September 11th)
Original article link and anonymous authors' letter: https://www.checktheevidence.com/wordpress/2021/12/27/9-11-liars-for-truth-what-happened-on-9-11-and-how-it-was-covered-up/
The video series in their original quality can be downloaded here: https://tinyurl.com/911observableevidence
The first part, shown in my previous upload, was a 1-hour trailer / mini-documentary that takes clips from the full 10-hour documentary, which I will upload on September 11th.
The second part, uploaded now, is titled "9/11 Liars for Truth". It is also a compilation of clips taken from the full documentary, but this time the focus is on the so-called “debunkers” and “truthers”. Both of these groups have disinformation agents (aka liars) that steer the public away from the truth, and both depend on each other. The controlled opposition truthers present easily debunkable theories, such as explosives and nukes, from which the debunkers can easily debunk. Essentially, the truthers debunk the mainstream lie of a gravity collapse and the debunkers debunk the alternative lie of explosive demolition. This cycle repeats as both parties benefit from each other in influence and revenue. Of course, the actual evidence of 9/11, such as dustification of the World Trade Center and the presence of Hurricane Erin, are covered up as much as possible.
Prominent liars mentioned in this video are listed below (in clockwise order from the video thumbnail):
- Richard Gage: Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth)
- Gregory S. Jenkins (Greg Jenkins): Physicist in ambush interview against Dr. Judy Wood
- Steven Earl Jones (Steven Jones): Cold fusion coverup + AE911Truth
- James H. Fetzer (Jim Fetzer): Scholars for 9/11 Truth
- Alexander Emerick Jones (Alex Jones): Info Wars
- James Corbett: The Corbett Report
- Jeremy Rys: Alien Scientist
- Ryan Dawson: Anti-Neocon Report
- Michael Shermer: The Skeptics Society
- Myles Power: Conspiracy “Debunker” YouTuber
- (Not in thumbnail) David Chandler: Retired physics teacher, AE911Truth
This video does a great job in exposing the lies and tactics used by the above disinformation agents. Often times these people expose themselves by forgetting which lies they are pushing at any given time.
Stay tuned for #911Truth Part 22...
Related Videos:
✈️#911Truth Part 11: Feature Documentary: 9/11 Alchemy – Facing Reality by Wolf Clan Media: https://peakd.com/terrorism/@mes/911truth-part-11-feature-documentary-9-11-alchemy-facing-reality-by-wolf-clan-media
✈️#911Truth Part 15: Feature Presentation: The Dawn of a New Age by Dr. Judy Wood: https://peakd.com/freeenergy/@mes/911truth-part-15-feature-presentation-the-dawn-of-a-new-age-by-dr-judy-wood
✈️#911Truth Part 19: Feature Series: IRREFUTABLE: Free-Energy Technology Revealed to the World: https://peakd.com/hive-113182/@mes/911truth-part-19-irrefutable-classified-free-energy-technology-revealed-to-the-world
✈️#911Truth Part 20: Feature Trailer: https://youtu.be/zn2rd_jEJkU
Buy “Where Did the Towers Go?” by Dr. Judy Wood: https://mes.fm/judywoodbook
#911Truth video series: https://peakd.com/truth/@mes/911
#MESScience video series: https://mes.fm/science-playlist
#MESExperiments video series: https://peakd.com/mesexperiments/@mes/list
#AntiGravity video series: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/series
#FreeEnergy video series: https://mes.fm/freeenergy-playlist .
After researching all of the facts from this video it only made sense to vote for Donald Trump. Seriously put all petty issues aside. Put all the fake twisted “facts” you hear on social media and do the research yourself.
The two things that mean the most to me are the protection of our constitutional rights and equality for all.
Most comprehensive, one stop shop video using facts and data destroying ALL main leftist/alarmist talking points on climate change. Ask anyone to refute his claims..... they can't. They just get mad and call you a denier. That's all they can do. Don't let them destroy our country and currency doing pointless programs. Should we conserve, use less oil as it is non-renewable. Yes. Should we use cleaner energy where we can, definitely. But should we scare our children that the world is ending? Hell NO!
3/10/2019 - all the videos except for one on Asha Logos were just deleted by EVIL YouTube man-haters. YOU MUST NOT KNOW TRUE WHITE HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Download before it disappears - archive.org is getting rid of truth books, one by one, account by account. It won't import into my website - some books just don't.
Book: Race Life of the Aryan Peoples - Volume One
Book: Race Life of the Aryan Peoples - Volume Two
From TL via email: This is perhaps the best film I have seen summarizing the true history of the Aryan race and its historical provenance of essentially all historical civilizations including the Chinese. It starts off with a political critique of the attempt to erase our own history and specifically how it has been co-opted and changed to our detriment over the past 100 years by the dark forces in their attempt to exterminate us as a people. As Orwell said: "The most effective way to destroy a people is to deny and obliterate their appreciation of their history".
One very interesting and pertinent comment made by this author is that the modern definition of "racism" is the denial of the natural law of human inequality. In other words, if you don't believe you are equal to an Australian Bushman, you are a racist. you don't have to want to enslave anyone. Just disbelieve that one axiom and you're a racist.
He is also critical of semi-system darlings like Graham Hancock and Brian Forester who, although they deal with non system historical truths, they never get in to the concept of race as a driving force behind these early civilizations. TL
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOM2fT6tBFE
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Boyd Anderson the author of 'Under the Radar 537-555' joins me to share the unbelievable story of what he believes actually happened to missing Malaysian flight MH370, and Boyd swears it's the truth. 537 murdered people aboard two flights. 55,500 tons of stolen gold. Swiss Jews. Rothschild semiconductor patents. The coming alien invasion hoax, and more. Buckle up, this tale is a disturbingly wild ride.
Get the book directly from Boyd:
[email protected]
or here:
Boyd's concise one hour telling of this story:
Under The Radar 537-555
*Note: This is still not an excuse for mass murder.
"Hitler despised the Jews because they believed in Communism and they controlled everything. He knew that the people have no chance of living freely when banks control them and charge INTEREST.
In just SIX years Hitler took Germany from the Poorest country in the World to the most prominent when he eliminated the "normal" banking system. He knew it was the banking system that kept everyone in SLAVERY.
It is important to know the TRUTH of why he acted as he did. This still is not a reason to murder. But this video shows that Hitler was not the only one committing mass murder. This video will inform the viewer on true history of several things we were not taught."
Source: https://odysee.com/@Commentator:e4/WHY_HITLER_HATED_JEWS:9