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Take a dive into the rabbit hole. This is not conspiracy but merely facts compiled over the course of the last 20 + years condensed into a 3 hour segment consisting of 10 parts.. Set your cognitive dissonance aside and open your mind to what has been hidden from you for the last century. If you are new to this type of research be warned its not for the faint of heart. It deals with corruption, crimes, satanic activities of the elite, and the people that we elect to run our world. In the end you will be enlightened and will understand the importance of "The Plan". Yes "Q The Plan To Save The World". https://www.bitchute.com/video/T46Y1OH7aMHG/ Its unfolding right in front of you. Welcome my fellow Americans, welcome to "The Great Awakening".
Part 1: Things That Make You Go Hmmmm
Beginning the search for the Truth, Left & Right in politics, Wikileaks, the inauguration of Donald J. Trump, and the birth of the Q-phenomenon.
Part 2: Down the Rabbit Hole
About the Q-phenomenon, the battle for world dominance, shadow governments, the 1%, the power of the banks, the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers, and George Soros.
Part 3: The Alien Invasion
About the migrant caravan, George Soros, NAMBLA, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the destabilization of the world, the importance of “United we stand, divided we fall”. About the role of President Trump, his achievements, Fake News, human trafficking, the wall, and child trafficking for the elite.
Part 4: Childlovers
About child trafficking, paedophile logos used by child protection agencies, adoption agencies, in Disney cartoons & movies, in Hollywood, in business and in politics. About Haiti as child trafficking island, the role of the Clintons and Trudeau.
Part 5: Children, Art, and Pizza
Looking into sexualisation of children, what passes as art and Jeffry Epstein plus more.
Part 6: Major Media Manipulation
About the torture swimming pool of Gloria Vanderbilt, her son CNN-reporter Anderson Cooper. About fake news, media manipulation & propaganda, the CIA, Project Mockingbird, whistle blower Udo Ulfkotte, the Illusion of Choice in media land, major sponsors of Hillary Clinton & the Democratic Party. About the dangers of censorship, Media Matters for America, Correct the Record, Facebook, Google & YouTube, Snopes. About Avaaz and the use of Controlled Opposition.
Part 7: Witches & Warlocks
About Marina Abramovic, Spirit Cooking, the Brazilian healer John of God, 8 cases of alleged suicides by hanging from a doorknob (Dolores Zorreguieta, L’Wren Scott, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington, Tim Bergling (Avicii), Annabelle Neilson, Aaron Swartz, Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain), the wrath of Hillary Clinton. About worshipping the devil, normalizing cannibalism, the Church of Satan, statues of Moloch. About the Dutch royal family, the Nazi connecton, Operation Paperclip, Bariloche, the Bilderberg Group.
Part 8: Beyond Kings & Queens
About the hunting parties of the European royal families & the elite, Pizzagate, Adrenochrome, survivor accounts, the English royal family, their connection with Jeffrey Epstein, the naked boy trying to escape from Buckinham Palace, the ITCCS, Kevin Annett, 50,000 murdered Canadian children, the evidence, the sacrific of children throughout the ages, the tradition of the red shoes. About Anthony Weiner’s laptop, his Life Insurance file, blackmail, and the murder of those who speak up.
Part 9: The Dawn of a New World
About the Q-phenomenon, the Q-Anons, the Yellow Vests, the uprise & revolution of the people, the help of Q, the identity of Q and the Truth Movement. About the hints and clues by president Trump, NXIVM, the Bronfman sisters, the Dalai Lama, Frank Giustra. About red-pilling the people, draining the swamp, Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server(s), the mysterious soccer ball at Helsinki & president Putin, Barron Trump. About the stepping down of 80,000 CEOs, the assassination attempts on president Trump, about the real Russian Collusion, the Uranium One scandal, the Rosatom Deal, bribary, corruption, money laundering, pay-to-play. About Clinton’s & Obama’s high treason, the infiltration by the Muslim Brotherhood, the execution of John McCabe, the encoded flag on his coffin & Osama Bin Laden.
Part 10: The Return of the King
About president Trump’s spelling errors (Covfefe, Hamberders, Smocking Gun), his hints and clues, his direct communications with the people. About a future spokesman for the US, about John F. Kennedy senior & junior, their deaths. About the clues junior left behind, the Tiffany Blue Boxes, George Magazine, Survival Guide to the Future, Vincent Fusca, Nicola Tesla, John Trump, Julian Assange. About the possibility of time travel, worm holes, parallel timelines, the mysterious books by Ingersoll Lockwood, the Ingersoll Trump pocket watch, Alice in Wonderland.
See more @ https://www.ConspiracyDocumentaries.com
What do Hitler, the Nazi Regime, the Royal Family, the Italian Mafia, former US President John F. Kennedy, and the unforgettable events of 9/11 have in common? A shadow Government consisting of the world’s wealthiest ruling class harlots and hideous men.
This documentary travels back in time to the days of Adolf Hitler, explores the indirect link to the Nazi Regime and Kennedy’s assassination, to the modern day terrorist events of 9/11. We learn how a shadow Government pushed to instigate wars that would fill the pockets of the world’s elitist 1%. A time when Hitler was merely a puppet used to carry out the dirty deeds of some of the world’s dirtiest men. Uncovered is the way the entire world was fooled into thinking that the allies won the war against the Nazis, when really the Illuminati, the 1%, were the ones who really won because they were playing both sides of the war.
But, what does the Mafia have to do with JFK? Well, in this film it’s revealed that good ole’ JFK was trying to get the USA out of the dirty hands of the Mafia – who at the time were basically running the CIA, FBI, and other agencies behind the scenes. Like something from a work of fiction, an elaborate plot to assassinate the President, planned by high ranking members of the FBI, CIA, Chief of Staff, Mafia, and of course the wealthiest Dallas oilmen, is revealed, with footage and eye witness reports.
We learn the true story of Lee Harvey Oswald and how he was framed as the “fall man” in the Kennedy assassination, and the eventual suspicious murders of the entire dream team of professional killers responsible for the President’s death, including Oswald’s death. Names like J. Edgar Hoover, George H. Bush, Sam Giancana, and The Skull & Bones Society are merely the tip of the iceberg in characters responsible for the Kennedy assassination.
Eventually, the documentary fast forwards to a time not so long ago: September 11th, 2001. Uncovered is the United State’s bloody history in waging false flag operations to maintain a state of war – after all, we learn that war is a lucrative business. This gripping film reveals the scary truth that the motives and players involved in 9/11 are no different from those of past historical events like the ‘Bay of Pigs’ and the ‘Vietnam Invasion.’
If you can stomach the cold, hard truth behind the bloody connections of Auschwitz, the Italian mob, JFK and 9/11, then this documentary, JFK to 9/11: Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick, is just the film for you. Hold on, you’re in for a long, blood-curdling ride!
Writer: Francis Richard Conolly (as Francis R Conolly).
This is a voice over for those who can not understand the original creators thick Russian accent. We follow his words and pace of speech. If you do not like it please feel free to make your own version. I would be happy to mirror it for you if you like.
There is much to discuss on this new paradigm. Is it all correct? Time, critical thinking and much discussion will tell.
Even Earth's wounds are healed beautifully...
Thanks to "Asgard" and "WakeUpHumans" for their hardest work!
ORIGINAL VIDEO: https://youtu.be/UHkiZNT3cyE
Людин Рɣси - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2EB0NA_OC8I9KSGj8ULYBw
Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)
Video Original Source link:
* Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
1)This video has no negative impact on the original works (It would actually be positive for them)
2)This video is also for teaching purposes.
3)It is not transformative in nature.
4)I only used bits and pieces of videos to get the point across where necessary.
BUDDY HUGGINS does not own the rights to these video clips. They have, in accordance with fair use, been repurposed with the intent of educating and inspiring others. However, if any content owners would like their images removed, please contact us by email at buddyhuggins@gmail.com
Road to the Ironman Triathlon - ONE MILE AT A TIME http://astore.amazon.com/road_to_the_ironman_triathlon-20
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I AM Speaking Life to my Cells & DNA Life is just to funny! I have turned 10 years into a life time of fun. See what you can do when you can collapse time. I am becoming younger healthier stronger because I say I am. I speak life to my atoms my cells and to my DNA. I speak that I am becoming that of a 21-year-old Elite Olympic athlete. Specialize in decathlon triathlon. And I'll be darned if my body is cooperating.
By the way you haven't seen nothing yet the next 20 years is going to be a tremendous! I am second intention to run a Ironman Triathlon in the next year and, I intend to be able to run one when I'm 90 years old.
"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly."
The War on Cancer has been raging for over a century, and Tal Zaks may have the biggest breakthrough yet. His idea, to go straight to the source of the problem and edit the genetic code that causes the body to produce cancerous cells, could save millions of lives without a single surgery or chemotherapy regimen. Tal Zaks is the Chief Medical Officer of Moderna Therapeutics.
Tal Zaks is the Chief Medical Officer of Moderna Therapeutics. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Nephilim: Origin of Genetic Evil, the Nephilim. NEPHILIM (FULL) DOCUMENTARY - http://godinanutshell.com/product/nephilim-two-disc-dvd-bonus-disc-contains-two-extra-documentaries/ Journey into the world of Fallen Angels, Satan, Shadow People, Aliens, Demons, Anunnaki, Archons, Ancient Giants, "Ancient Aliens" & Genetic Hybrids.
GOD Dimension: Is GOD REAL? https://youtu.be/6dmwzYL1rcg
Nephilim (NEW) : A TRUE Journey into the Dark Dimensions. For Nephilim 2 disc DVD http://godinanutshell.com/product/nephilim-two-disc-dvd-bonus-disc-contains-two-extra-documentaries/
The Two Disc Nephilim Collector's Set contains 3 Nephilim Documentaries -- Two of which are not currently up for public view.
Other Documentaries available at God in a Nutshell: http://godinanutshell.com/
NephS: A NEW Trey Smith documentary on Nephilim https://youtu.be/EEt59cBNsH0
Nephilim: Origin of Genetic Evil takes a deep look at human genetics, elongated skulls, "Nephilim Skulls" ancient giants, "Nephilim giants" giant skulls (fragments) and Neanderthal skulls (genetically) -- all this in an EASY walk through of precise Hebrew, Babylonian - Sumerian, Egyptian & Book of Enoch accounts of Nephilim / Annunaki, Ancient Alien / Demons, Fallen Angels, and even the father of all lies --- Satan... From the depths of the underworld & Lucifer (Luciferian) occult of Hell's gates.... to the ancient pages of Biblical revelation and prophecy... to the very words of prophecy from the lips of Jesus Christ Himself....
Nephilim: A journey from heaven to hell... and the genetic hybrids & entities between.
-- Nephilim by Trey Smith / God in a Nutshell project
Nephilim: the Nephilim documentary is a FULL in-depth EXAMINATION of Ancient Giants, Ancient Aliens, Fallen Angels, Anunnaki / Nephilim, Ancient Elongated Skulls... and FULL details of Egyptian & Babylonian occult - sometimes called "Luciferian"
Nephilim (DEFINITION): The Nephilim (nɛfɨˌlɪm) were the offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" in Genesis 6:4. The pre-flood / post flood, genetic hybrids of the ancient world. Ezekiel 32:27 "the fallen mighty (גִּבֹּורִים נֹפְלִים) of the uncircumcised (Nephilim), which are gone down ( יָרְדֽוּ) to the grave (hell) with their weapons of war. These are but a few of the writings from the Bible, the Book of Enoch and cultures around the globe.... demons to some, genetic hybrids to more, fallen angels to others, and "underworld gods" to still more.
Nephilim: Ancient Aliens Debunked, L A Marzulli, Steve Quayle, David Icke, Chris White (Ancient Aliens Debunked)
Nephilim: Other videos by Trey Smith
Evolution: Tale of Modern Myth http://youtu.be/Gjvuwne0RrE
Theory of Everything by Trey Smith http://youtu.be/mtBz1roiQR8
Enoch: Book of Enoch http://youtu.be/BZGN6EKjvAo
Benny Hinn: TRUE STORY of Greed vs. God http://youtu.be/l73exrXr_hE
Choice by Trey Smith http://youtu.be/S-SzIJngWqE
------------- Nephilim Video Details & Contributors ------------
Nephilim: Origin of Genetic Evil by Trey Smith
Nephilim - produced by Trey Smith (author of Thieves & producer of Theory of Everything) http://godinanutshell.com/
Nephilim - Hebrew Translations (& Nephilim text translations) by Rabbi Brian Hall (in Hebrew, Rabbi Abir Baruch Hallel), Senior Rabbi of Beth Yeshua Synagogue Newton/Boston, Ma https://www.facebook.com/AbirBaruchHallel/about
Nephilim - Video Footage of Elongated Skulls by Brien Foerster, Inca Tours, as well as the Dr.'s and research professionals on his team http://hiddenincatours.com/
Nephilim - Special Consultant Advisory thanks on Mathematics & the Universe to Dr. Carl Smith,
Nephilim - Special Consultant Advisory thanks on Neanderthal Skulls, Facial Growth, Brows & Wisdom Teeth (Neanderthal's are Humans with long life-spans) to Dr. Jack Cuozzo, 33 yrs career in Oral Biology, Paleontology, Study of EXTREMELY slow genetic growth / maturity rates in "Neanderthal" (ancient human) children -and - credited with taking the first cephalometric (orthodontic) radiographs in the history of Neanderthal fossils (1979-1991) http://youtu.be/uFf5IcmkVa0
Nephilim - Voice Overs by former FOX NEWS VO artist & owner of MarrsHarris Creative, Rick Hummer http://www.linkedin.com/in/rickhummer
Nephilim - music by German composer Michael Donner http://www.youtube.com/user/MichaelDonnerMusic
-and also-
Nephilim - music by US composer Trevor DeMaere http://www.youtube.com/user/TrvD1/videos
Nephilim video is dedicated to Jesus Christ. "So as in the days of Noah, so also shall it be in the days of the return of the Son of man...."
---------------- End of Nephilim Video Details ------------------
Thieves: One dirty TV pastor and the man who robbed him (OFFICIAL WEBSITE) - http://www.readthieves.com/
Nephilim video will be available NOW http://godinanutshell.com/product/nephilim-two-disc-dvd-bonus-disc-contains-two-extra-documentaries/
Email me for the PDF file (warns people about the entire agenda, on *one piece of paper!*) which you can print and pass out and email around to people and share it in Facebook groups Twitter and Instragram and Tiktok etc. [email protected]
Tim Dillon is a standup comedian, actor, and host of the Tim Dillon Show. Alex Jones is a filmmaker, writer, and host of the Alex Jones Show. @The Tim Dillon Show