Joe Rogan vs Eric Dubay | Moon Landing Hoax | Flat Earth

Joe Rogan vs Eric Dubay | Moon Landing Hoax | Flat Earth

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3 years
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Eric Dubay
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Many years ago before having his own "Joe Rogan Questions Everything" TV show and before JRE was the world's biggest podcast, Joe Rogan was a vocal proponent exposing NASA's Moon landing hoax. He debated Penn Gillette, Phil Plait, Mancow, and many others brilliantly explaining the problems and inconsistencies with NASA's supposed Moon landings. Then one day, around Joe's Sci-Fi channel show premier, he had NASA spokesman Neil Degrasse Tyson on his podcast, praised him to a sycophantic degree, and back-peddled 180 degrees on his Moon hoax stance from stating unequivocally that (and I quote) "there is no way we went to the Moon," to stating equally unequivocally that, "there is no way that it was a hoax." Since this hypocritical 180, Joe has continued to have Neil Tyson and other establishment shills on his show, while simultaneously silencing and condemning people with anti-establishment views like his best friend Eddie Bravo. In the following video you will see Joe arrogantly, aggressively, and disrespectfully ridiculing and attempting to silence Eddie from speaking his mind about NASA, Flat Earth, Dinosaurs, Chemtrails, and other topics which Joe has clearly become a gate-keeper for.


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