Part 23: Covid-19: Part 6 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times.
Health Care Worker Whistleblowers about Money & Murder in Hospitals...
By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter
Music: Whitesand, Ashamaluev, Alexander Nakarada
This is part 23 of God-knows-how-many-parts-in-total. Part 24 will be uploaded as soon as it's ready. If you liked this part, please consider supporting our work:
We make these documentaries without being paid, so any donation - no matter how small - is most welcome! This way we can continue giving our work to the world for free, in order to wake up as many people as possible...
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PART 3: Grand Finale -
EDIT: Dec 6th - Thank you for being on this journey. A few words - I have to say NO to all interviews, especially MSM. Still grieving and getting way too much unwanted attention as we get close.
I wish I had all the answers re those asking where to be, what to be doing, how it will affect them because they have x/y/z in their body/psyche.. As the conduit I cap out too. I wanted to physically be up North, in Poland my home country. But death came in three in my family + cov1d hit and so I'll be moving my mom on the 21'st here in Toronto vs being with the Auroras..
I hope you all have a beautiful experience no matter what happens. If nothing happens, I hope you can still look at the dozen roses we gave you here without focusing on the thorn, and that this work has helped you better understand your experience and implement positivity in to your life :). I love you.
Links to InfoGraphics/Frames:
- Russian (nORB Theory Video):
- Spanish (nORB Theory Video):
If you transcribe/translate/redo this in your language, please let me know in the comments and I'll update the list above.
Reverse engineering the globe. We are encouraging any and every channel, platform, blogger, etc. to mirror/re-upload/Premiere this ASAP to ensure our outreach cannot be minimized by design (all truth channels are being targeted and messed with right now).
All we ask is that you copy/paste the links below and link back to our channels. Thank you.
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Martin Kenny:
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Please watch these to help and prepare:
Links to InfoGraphics/Frames:
Frequency Life Chart:
The Norb Theory ::
FlatEarth Universe Martin Kenny ::
3D Master Renders now entered into Public Domain:
Interview with Norb & Martin by Neo Glimmer:
Christmas Tree is a GeoCentric Ritual:
8D ASMR Digital Detox - Frequency Healing:
Frequency / Cymatics / Bio-Sonoluminescence ::
^ This is beautiful - greatly goes into the sine wave/sonar
Confessions Of A Music Insider / Weaponizing Sound ::
^ This is how music really influences masses
History Of Flat Earth ::
No Forests On Earth ::
Under The Dome ::
200 Proofs Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball ::
It All Starts With Magnetism ::
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Take a journey with us to discover who we are, where we are, why we are here, and where we are going. Learn about ages, races, civilizations, states of consciousness and more. The cosmic egg and calendar explains all 5 epoch cycles, and makes a bold prediction for the year 2020.
If you are ready for a rapid and beautiful shift in your life, come and experience the Seven-Day Transformation. Click Here to Begin Now 🌻
Geometry is everywhere, and it can be understood both scientifically and spiritually.
It is present everywhere in nature, with spirals of the Fibonacci sequence within blooming flowers, to the birth of its cell starting as a sphere, followed then by a Vesica Pisces and into the torus. On a cellular level, we are constantly divinely dividing to create the geometric patterns of life.
We are living, breathing geometry in a beautifully complex form.
For the full video description and sources, check out our website ~
One song in the middle by Lindsey Stirling - Electric Daisy Violin
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Our mission at Spirit Science is to support you in your personal and spiritual evolution by providing a sacred space to explore and experience your spiritual journey. Our intention is to share and explore spirituality in an open-hearted way, with respect for all walks of life, honoring that which is beautiful and divine within each of us, nature, and the universe. Spirit Science is about the open hearted exploration of Science and Spirituality - Free of Dogma or rigid belief systems and doctrines, and the elevation and transformation of human consciousness, as we move into an era of love and light.
We are so glad you are here! We love reading and responding to your comments across our website, YouTube, and other social channels, so please share your thoughts and feelings with us and others in the comments! Truly, thank you for participating in the global conversation! ✨💛🙏
In 2019, we launched Spirit Mysteries - The Spirit Science Mystery School. With hundreds of hours of training, classes, and workshops; as well as a growing number of beautiful souls making up the Spirit Family Community, Spirit Mysteries is one of the most complete and authentic Mystery Schools in the world. Click Here to learn more about our Mystery School 👉
Thank you so very much for taking the time to read this, and connect with our intentions. If you want to go deeper, come and explore our life-mastery workshop and experience a beautiful life transformation in just one week! Click here to learn more 🙌
''Effective Immediately: I am closing the comment section, to keep trolls from posting links to websites which I don't approve of, and also to stop very offensive language in the comments. I will no longer be uploading new videos to YouTube, due to their censoring of my preaching and teaching. All new videos will be found on my website:'' - Bryan Denlinger
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King James Video Ministries
P.O. Box 214
Patten, ME 04765 - Bryan Denlinger
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jason a world news
Trump is standing in the way of The Great Reset. This is a riveting, fast-paced, and emotional documentary through just the last 4 years. President Trump got the world leaders to capitulate from Saudi Arabia, Israel, Vatican, The Queen, Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, the Davos crowd, and more. Let's take you back to where the real fight happened and show you the history made with research from 3days3nights, Charlie Freak, Sam Kesterson of BardsFM, and more. Q140
Trump has taken down the top players in this corruption and has taken back control with Executive Order 13818. This Exective Order is how Trump rounds up the bad guys and Executive Order 13223 is the muscle to pull it off. A third President Trump Executive Order, Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption allows him to roll up assets of those involved globally. It is my understanding he freed all the countries from a system of control spanning decades. When you realize that Trump is really the global CEO, & we are all like employees with an SSN, it all starts to make sense.
Their system of control was grand and on a global in scale. It has locked the minds of people in a box for a century. The plan has been to expose these decades of evil and corruption at all levels to the people of this world. This has taken time to set up and expose. Every country is now involved in ending this Virus/Plague on the world.
Everything we have learned over the past 4 years about Deep State crimes, including #Covid911, #FISAgate, the election steal and Epstein etc, is also all fully known by Trump. The mere thought that he would risk them getting away with any of it is ludicrous. He will strike eventually, precisely when he means to.
A slow four year coup to take over the United States has slowly woke millions of people. To the rest of the world, The Great Reset is the control gripping down on people’s freedoms and rights. All eyes are on this election as it is tied to America being the last domino to fall in bringing the Great Reset to the world. A global pandemic and corrupt election bring this awakening worldwide.
America first is a plan to free America and then roll that change out worldwide. The level of corruption that will be taken out in America is the same as the corruption seen worldwide. It ties back to the people behind the Great Reset, UN, WTO, WHO and more.
The capitulation of all these leaders proves that the Great Reset is a mass-manufactured event to quickly wake people to their evil deeds. The world needs a great awakening to get where we need to go next. Questioning the virus, masks, lock-downs, lack of rights, riots, race wars, child exploitation, trafficking, sacrifice, free speech, freedom of religion, right to vote manipulated, mandatory vax, and more is normal today than EVER. For those willing to take the red pill, the truth is there.
In order for us to walk through the takedown about to happen people need to be exposed to the evil and agenda planned against us. In order for us to go through the biblical changes about to happen, we need to see the EVIL. The kind of evil we let take a run at our freedom for decades while we got distracted with social media, sports, TV, movies and working. We fell asleep at the wheel and let corruption run-a-muck for decade after decade after decade.
It’s time to wake up so we can cross the finish line. The best is yet to come.
The Great Awakening: Bonfire Guy
For entertainment purposes only.
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Los Angeles, Chicago, and more cities seem to have been “found” by the “founders” of the lands.
Hope you like what I do. It’s a lot of work, and is a lot of fun. Sometimes a whole lot fun, but at the expense of much more lucrative activities that don’t generate vidJoes.
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Who is UAP?
UAP (as conferred by my subs) stands for Underrated Actual Physicist. I’m Orthodox in faith and technologically inclined by profession, but my nature here is rebellious... it usually lines up with the traditional wisdom of Church Fathers, and knowledge of the Ancients by way of THE scientific method;
-and yes, that may be revolutionary.
What’s this UAP doing on YouTube?
I’m making videos at a rate of about one per day,
1. Defending God’s Word,
2. Remediating botched news
science lessons,
entertaining while enlightening,
or just pushing the envelope
Any subject that is fascinating, extraordinary, uncommonly known but very useful, and true, I demand answers about official stuff I don’t want misrepresented by popular science, first by researching it myself, then by spewing forth my own wild conjecture, and finally seeing how myends up being correct more often than I expect.
My analysis includes humor, but is serious about finding the observable+ repeatable+ reproducible data that IS fact, especially when the Bible has given us the right direction, inspiration, and corroborating testimonials.
Even more when these Orthodox ideas have been systematically contradicted and suppressed only by widespread belief in popularly conjectured hypotheses. These things are my targets of opportunity.
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- Doctor’s Orders Channel
Materials used are chosen sources for reporting the best in research from around the world as UAP deigns to question the narratives of science by consensus. When it comes to “the givens” of our increasingly misguided teachings of science, I reject the premise!
►Follow Us On Twitter: coming soon!
►The Truth About the Stars and Flat Earth
►Music: UAP’s select jams for the Flat Earth
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UAP Channel presents more divine knowledge in pursuit of whatever is true but uncommon, with a little humor and music, great science, good sense, and a little non-sense.
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In this video we can see 5 examples with same time moon observations from different places.
Finding and using the axes of moon's phases on the observable moon each time, we use the moon itself like a compass. In this way we can find the moonline direction.
Making the same procecure for each observation we find the moon's place.
Finally we find the sun's place acording to the rule of moon's phase and constellations difference.
Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, is a board-certified cardiologist who has testified before committees of the US and Texas Senate regarding the treatment of COVID-19 and management of the ongoing pandemic.