Bob Lazar is a physicist who worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, and also on reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology at a site called S-4 near the Area 51 Groom Lake operating location. Jeremy Corbell is a contemporary artist and documentary filmmaker. Watch the documentary "Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers" now streaming on Netflix.
President Ensenhower wanted to storm Area 51 if he didn't find out what was going on there. So he send a CIA agent there to learn the
truth and Bob Lazar seems to be telling the truth about alien craft.
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"Area 51: The Alien Interview" reveals mysterious footage that has left people to debate whether the alien footage leaked from Area 51 is real or fake. The validity of this tape or the source is still unknown to this day.
July 26, 1996: Offices of Rocket Pictures receive a phone call from a man named "Victor", who claims to be in possession of a leaked tape of an alien creature being interviewed in a secret government installation.
Bob Lazar. UFO drawings. Боб Лазар. Рисунки НЛО. (Рисунки Антона Анфалова из архива - Николая Субботина).
RUFORS - Russian UFO Research Station
Боб Лазар утверждал что лично посетил несколько аппаратов НЛО. Он заявлял о присутствии одной группы пришельцев с Сириуса А на секретной базе США.
. Данные Рисунки поражают насколько пришельцы ушли в перёд в технологическом плане, Реакторы на Античастицах, использование 115-ого элемента как топливо. Обо всём этом вы можете прочитать (на русском языке, перевод с английского)
more infor here - on English
on russian (на русском)
I read about the presence on the earth of so-called race Imdugut (White tall) If the check word Imdugut - it is Anzu (Imdugud), talking about fallen Kumarbi, Zu, Al-Al-Gar. Who Rebelled against Anu. They fallen separatists. Я читал о присутствии на земле так называемой расы Имдугут (Высокие белые). Если проверить слово Имдугут - это Анзу (Имдугуд) , речь о падшем Кумарби, Зу, Ал-Ал-Гар. Восставшем против Ана.
according to legend, the An-zu (Zu, Kumarbi) was defeated by Ninurta, Bas-relief in the temple of Ninurta at Nimrud (Kalhu, Iraq) по легенде Ан-зу (зу, Кумарби) был побеждён Нинуртой, Барельеф в храме Нинурты в Нимруде (Kalhu, Ирак)
Exploring a possible connection between the modern day clown and the Nephilim....
Link to original channel that created the series which is now public once again..enjoy
Steve Quayles Official youtube Steve Quayle and Tim Alberino Technology of The Fallen 1 Please not only visit Sheila's website but support her ministry .
Steve Quayle,Tom Horn and Timothy Alberino | Technology of the Fallen.
Steve Quayle,Tom Horn and Timothy Alberino - Technology Of The Fallen (Part 1)
Guests: Steve Quayle & Timothy Alberino DVD Website: BE .
Law? Which Law?
The two books i mentioned:
The UCC Connection: How To Free Yourself From Legal Tyranny Paperback – November 6, 2013
Meet Your Strawman: And Whatever You Want To Know Paperback – October 2, 2013
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the case where corey goode, claimed time traveling space-o-not sued me is 1:2020-cv-00742.
Docs can be accessed on under that number. It was labeled as corey goode vs gaia et al.
Its one of the most secretive and heavily guarded places on earth, what secrets are contained within the Vatican Archives?
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On this episode of the Jordan Peterson Podcast, Jordan was joined by Yeonmi Park. Yeonmi Park is a North Korean defector and human rights activist trying to shine a light on the atrocities still being committed in North Korea by the current Kim regime. She wrote her experiences into a bestseller, ‘In Order to Live.’ She tells stories of her childhood and escaping to remind the world of how terrible things are for North Koreans.
Jordan and Yeonmi discussed various topics: her escape from North Korea, her slavery in China, and the frustration and disappointment she experienced pursuing a humanities degree at Columbia.
In Order To Live is available at (,
Social media:
@YeonmiParkNK Twitter and Facebook;
Instagram @yeonmi_park;
[00:00] Intro
[02:00] Yeonmi's story
[04:30] Information control
[06:00] Eating in North Korea
[08:00] Spring: the season of death when people can't make it to the summer for lack of food
[10:30] Average wage in North Korea; living off grasshoppers
[13:00] Class distinction in North Korea
[15:00] Group guilt
[18:00] What Yeonmi’s parents did to survive
[21:00] When her father started to trade and how she links trade with freedom
[24:30] How Yeonmi’s mother was almost thrown in a prison camp because of her uncle
[29:00] Alone as a child in North Korea: a typical day and week (one of the best clips)
[33:00] What she was eating and where she was getting her food
[36:00] Constantly thinking about food
[41:30] The North Korean prison camp experience
[44:00] Her father's release from the concentration camp
[45:00] What happened to her father when he came back from prison
[48:00] China lights from North Korea
[49:30] Trafficking into china
[50:30] Her time as a sex slave in China
[56:30] Eating enough food to get full for the first time
[58:00] Reuniting with her father and the slave owner
[01:01:30] Selling her mother for food
[01:03:30] Sex chat rooms
[01:05:00] Freedom in South Korea through Christianity
[01:06:30] Christian missionary
[01:11:30] Traveling to Mongolia
[01:14:30] The holding camp in Mongolia
[01:19:00] Being identified as refugees in South Korea
[01:20:00] When she realized what North Korea was
[01:21:00] The relevance of George Orwell's book Animal Farm to her experience of North Korea
[01:23:30] When Yeon Mi started to speak out
[01:27:30] What drove her from the university
[01:34:00] Managing to get into a university in South Korea
[01:35:30] Becoming the North Korean Paris Hilton and studying criminal justice
[01:39:00] Discovering her sister
[01:40:00] Attending Columbia University
[01:44:00] Her time at Columbia University
[01:57:30] What's next for Yeonmi?
The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast can be found at
Visit to learn more about Dr. Peterson's books, lectures, social media, blog posts, and more.
Jordan B. Peterson is a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, a clinical psychologist, and the author of the 2021 bestseller Beyond Order, the multi-million copy bestseller 12 Rules for Life, and Maps of Meaning (see #1 for nonfiction in 2018 in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, the Netherlands, Brazil and Norway, and slated for translation into 50 languages. Dr. Peterson has appeared on many popular podcasts and shows, including the Joe Rogan Experience 877, 958, 1006, The Rubin Report (12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, Free Speech, Psychology, Gender Pronouns), H3H3 #37, and many more.
Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life:
12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos:
Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief:
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New age gurus suggest that we can heal ourselves by simply changing our minds, but is this concept grounded in cold, hard science? Lissa Rankin, MD explores the scientific literature, reviewing case studies of spontaneous remission, as well as placebo and nocebo effect data, to prove that our thoughts powerfully affect our physiology when we believe we can get well.
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Link from Video: --- "Candles in the Dark" official web-site:
Update: For those of you complaining that I don't summarize the details here fast enough or "don't get to the point" or give specific details... Guys this is just me summarizing the course and the foundational framework which is super important, Candles in the Dark is a 6 hour course, all I'm doing in this video is giving you the highlights I've learned, I am not an expert in this and it's a real art that takes learning and practice and I cannot possibly teach it, if you are interested in it, I recommend get the course and quit complaining.